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Once Upon a Time - Episode 2.14 - Manhattan - Sneak Peek 3

15 Feb 2013

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Thanks to Alex for the heads up.


  1. It took forever for this sneak peek and its only about regina, cora and hook.

  2. I honestly thought Cora was going to go on full attitude mode when Hook snapped. But WHY is there no New York scenes. The episode is titled "Manhattan" for a reason!!!

  3. ABC released an extended version of one they released yesterday, but it's just Emma chasing after Neal. I still hope we get at least one more.

  4. Do you have a link for this you can post

  5. I'm super happy with Regina related sneak peeks, so yay. That said, I guess this damn near concludes all her appearances :/ Anyway, this isn't exactly spoilery cause this much info has been revealed in the press release. But I just love how Cora is all "sweetie". It actually made me cringe.

    And I am amused how neither of them actually heal Hook lol

  6. The extended version of Emma chasing Neal.

  7. is there one available for outside the US

  8. Sorry for the delay. It's right here:

  9. Try the ABC website, or your local Youtube.

  10. Well,Cora is definitely up to something.Hook's plan is actually pretty logical..Rumple(unfortunately) is at his weakest without his powers and that would be their best chance.
    If they only wanted his death they wouldn't wait for him to return.Maybe she's after his powers...?

  11. Whoever kills the Dark One gets all his powers, so yeah, maybe that's what they really want, and by them I mean Cora. Hook just wants him dead so if Cora kills him they'll both get want they want. Of course Hook may get a little angry because he wasn't the one who killed him, but if he got the result he wanted, who cares about who killed who? As for Regina, I don't think she's very interested in all that power, she knows that's the reason why Rumpelstiltskin lost his son, and the last thing she wants is to lose Henry more than she already has.

    IDK, I just really don't want Rumple to die, nor Regina, nor Cora (not yet at least).

  12. I was hoping Hook would comment on Cora's change of wardrobe, but apparently not...
    Anyway, as usual, I love sneak peeks, but I hope this is not all the Regina we're getting in this episode. Even if it's more Cora/Regina heartbreaking moments, I'll take that.

  13. After this sneak peak I start thinking that maybe this was Cora who release giant (in Regina form)? And this card with Red Queen. What if Cora still want to play everyone including Hooke? (this comment about "mother that you suppose to kill" at some point look like provocation to me ) Maybe I making excuse for Regina, but she look so lost here about Henry ( really not like Evil Queen who we have seen at last episode) and she still believe that he will not be with her. Will it make sense if she want to take him with magic or power?

  14. I don't know if it's even that logical. In theory it could work, but in practice how would Hook be able to find Gold with no magic? He'd be pretty lost even if he somehow managed to find out that they went to New York.

  15. You're right,but I simply assume that he would be able to find Gold somehow.Kind of like Gold managed to pinpoint Bae's location.
    With shows like this you simply don't question some things.

  16. Agreed,out of the three Cora is the only one who may be after Rumple's powers.She has an agenda other than reconnecting with Regina,that's for sure.I read somewhere that the comment about her things in the scene between Regina and Hook will be revisited in a big way.
    I don't want anyone to die,except maybe Cora at some point.And to be honest,I think she's the only one in real danger.


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