Hello Vampire Academy fans! I was lucky enough to get to view episode 8 in advance and have some teases for you. Now I am not going to give a lot away, because what fun would that be? I will just give you a little bit of what to expect when the next episode drops on Thursday. So read on if you want to get ready for The Trials ahead of time.
The 'Ship Forcast
Episode 7, was in my opinion, the best one yet and episode 8 is a really great follow-up. There are several emotional moments when it comes to the buregeoning couples on this show. They will make you feel all the things when on screen together. I know that I was practically holding my breath with every interaction a certain pairing had. No matter how these couples fare, I applaud the writers and actors that have gotten us fully invested in what will happen. There was one scene where the actors clearly left it all out there, and you could feel the emotion through the screen.
Let The Trials Commence
As the Queen announced previously, Victor and Tatiana would be put through the trials for the Crown and let me tell you, it is highly entertaining to watch these unfold. Now, I admittedly am not a reader of the source material, but I found the trials to be well executed and very interesting. Victor and Tatiana are going for what they want, and there is hardly a dull moment.
Odds and Ends:
* Rose, Lissa and Dimitri are still dealing with the fallout from their decisions last episode. I just wanted to hug all three of them.
* A few characters who were absent for the last outing are present, and they help move some plot points along.
That is all you get for now! Make sure you stream this brand new episode on PEACOCK when it drops.