Daniel Dae Kim (The Hot Zone: Anthrax, Hawaii Five-0) is set to star in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Netflix’s live-action adaptation of the beloved Nickelodeon animated series.
Kim will play Fire Lord Ozai, the ruthlessly-driven leader of the Fire Nation who he demands everyone live up to his impossible standards, especially his teenaged son, Prince Zuko (Dallas Liu). Ozai’s drive to conquer and unite the world under firebender rule is a family burden—he believes that it’s his destiny to finish a war started by his ancestors.
Kim will play Fire Lord Ozai, the ruthlessly-driven leader of the Fire Nation who he demands everyone live up to his impossible standards, especially his teenaged son, Prince Zuko (Dallas Liu). Ozai’s drive to conquer and unite the world under firebender rule is a family burden—he believes that it’s his destiny to finish a war started by his ancestors.