If last week's episode had isolation as a recurring theme, this week's episode might have the word "chaos" as tagline. Although some of the characters didn't actually have the chance to get into the action (I'm looking at you, Hero!), the women at the Pentagon and the Daughters of the Amazon were quite busy. Beth got her group of protesters inside the Pentagon and let's just say that things got out of hand, to say the least. Bye Regina! And Regina herself, along with Kimberly and General Reed were staging an inside coup to get the presidency away from Jennifer.

The Daughters of the Amazon are still looking for a new home and they seem to find it when they raid and destroy a place where other women had built a shelter for themselves. Roxanne is still on a crusade against men and she has basically brainwashed every single woman in the group, including Hero, who later finds out that Roxanne hs told everyone that she killed her married boyfriend. Nora seems to be the only one not falling for Roxanne's act and to be the only one ready to guide the women towards something more concrete, especially because, by the end of the episode, she and Roxanne get to know about Yorick. Now everyone knows about him, even the people who shouldn't have known about him.

Dr. Mann, 355 and Yorick are still in Marrisville, pretty much living their lives and having cake just because it's Saturday and getting high and remembering the past and the kind of people they were. The fact that the trio hasn't moved from that place feels a little stuck, in terms of narrative. I also think that they might be joined by the Daughters of the Amazon and possibly by Jennifer and Beth, who by the end of the episode, run away together, thanks to Beth betraying her squad of protesters. Will they be joined by Kimberly and Christine too?

I'm kind of sad that the tenth episode will probably serve as series finale, because this show has so much potential and it could explore so much, not just in terms of stories about the Event, but also with characters. I would love to know more about Jennifer as a woman in politics, about Hero and Yorick as siblings, how Beth became part of the group that stormed the Pentagon. I really hope the show will be picked up by another network or streaming service, because the stories are there and they have to be told.
What did you guys think about the episode and how do you think the story will unfold? And was it super cute to see 355 and Yorick dance to No Scrubs? I loved that moment, it was geniune and real. Let me know in the comments below!
Y:The Last Man is now streaming on Disney+ in the UK