Adjustment period: I’m really glad the writers are doing this storyline with Jane. I don’t think a lot of people, myself included, really get what kind of an adjustment it is after a procedure like that. I think most people just assume that at that point the worst is over. But we often don’t notice something until it’s no longer there. And sure, Jane had a reconstruction but it’s never the same. And now she’s hyperaware of it, not feeling like herself. On top of that she has all this pressure at work to write a great vertical (not entirely sure what that is, to be honest). And while this is the opportunity that Jane has dreamed off, I don’t think she quite pictured she’d feel this way. Luckily she has a very supportive group of people around her.
Can you say bad timing? Yeah, anytime a female character throws up suddenly on tv, they’re pregnant. But now what? Sutton and Richard are living on opposite sides of the country. Her career is only just getting started. Where does a baby fit in all of this? We all knew that this long-distance thing couldn’t last forever, at some point one of them was going to have to compromise. But this is sooner than expected. Of course, we don’t have the actual confirmation yet that she’s pregnant. She’s just late and throwing up. It could be a scare, to have them deal with this possibility. But I don’t know. Is anyone else feeling this show draw to a close? I’m not sure how it’s doing in the ratings but I remember being worried about a cancellation last year and I don’t think much has changed there. Could the writers be planning a possible ending if it does get canceled by having Sutton move away with Richard to start a family?
I can relate… again: Okay, this is getting a little creepy. Once again a certain aspect of this show is mirroring my life. Either this show is just really good at being relatable or someone’s spying on me. I’m gonna go with the former. Anyway, Kat found herself looking for a job this week. As someone currently doing the same, I know how hard that is. And the manner of her exit at Scarlet does not help. I don’t really think her parents’ reaction was fair. Get a job that pays at least whatever that mortgage is or you’re out on your ass. Like it’s that easy. But I’m glad she found a way around it by moving in with Jane. Though, that will definitely take some getting used to. After having the freedom of living on your own, suddenly having to share with someone else, even if that someone else is your best friend, is not easy. By the way, who was that girl that Kat was seeing? And the guy? Did anyone catch a name?
Aww: Alex, you big sweetheart. He stayed an extra 2 months with Jane to help her. I absolutely love their friendship. I love how Alex has basically become the fourth member of the female trio.
Best quotes: Kat: “Yeah, we’re like emotional support dogs, except we’re human.” Sutton: “And we have snacks.” Kat: “So many snacks, one snack.”
Sutton: “We’ve had this conversation before. Tik Tok, Pete Davidson, here we are.” Oliver: “Get off my lawn, Red.”
Sutton: “Did I get you kicked out?” Jane: “You got me noticed, which I actually… am kind of enjoying.”
That’s it for this week. Check in again next week for an all-new review and let me know in the comments what you thought of this week’s episode.
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