Welcome to SpoilerTV’s 8th Character Cup. Our brackets are set and it’s time for the fun to begin. To ensure that everybody has a good time, please read the rules below. It is important that everyone be kind and fair to make this the most fun for everyone. There are also links below to the list of character ranking and official bracket. Once round 1 is over, these will contain stats about the contest as well. The daily TV Talk Topic will be found above the polls each time. We have a new TV Talk Topic every day and all are encouraged to participate. It's my favorite part of the contest.
Before we begin, thanks to everyone who helped find pictures for the Cup. You guys rock! It allowed me to create polls early so we could start voting sooner. The Character Cup goes by very quickly so don't forget to check SpoilerTV every day to vote, look at the prediction standings, and participate in the daily discussion. Today we will have more polls than usual. For those of you with underdog characters, get the word out now because the round 1 is where the biggest change can happen. Generally there are fewer votes in round 1, so it is far easier for an upset. With no further ado, I announce this contest, open! Happy voting!
2019 Character Cup Rules:
1. Don't take it too seriously! Have fun. Discuss. Play nice. Don't cheat (only one vote per person per poll please).
2. Focus on characters, not people. Talking about what you like and dislike about a character is encouraged. Going after actors or fans is not.
3. The aliens have not landed. There's no conspiracy here. I will do my very best to keep the contest running smoothly, but I do make mistakes. I apologize in advance for any technical difficulties, spelling errors, and general absentmindedness. Let me know and I'll fix it.
4. Comments are life. As you anxiously await the return of your shows, why not distract yourself with a little TV Talk? Each day is a new topic so even if your favorites are out, you can still discuss. While this contest is just a silly piece of internet fluff, the conversation here dives deep, so jump on in.
5. Nuts and Bolts - All polls are active for about 24 hours. The winners advance to the next round. In the case of a tie, both characters go to the next round. New polls should go up every day and polls may sometimes overlap each other. Any questions? Ask away in the comments.
TV Talk Topic:
TV Talk Topic: What Makes a Great Character?
We’ve spent the last few days deciding on our favorite characters, but what makes these characters stand out compared to others? Who would be in your Character Hall of Fame and why? What personality traits do your favorite characters have in common? Do you generally prefer characters that have a similar background to yours or those that are different? Which TV character do you think you are most like in real life? (Thanks in part to Carmilla Karnstein and Saloni Gajjar for today's topic.)