After a loooong year, The Good Fight is finally back to keep fighting. If you recall, last time on The Good Fight Diane and Kurt got back together, Liz's father died, Reddick, Boseman, and Lockhart accidentally protected Tom and Jerry's sexual indiscretions, and Diane got damaging information about Trump from an actual deep throat, a porn star.
Carl Reddick was a bad, bad man
The premiere starts off with Marissa and Jay doing a documentary on Carl Reddick, deceased senior partner of the law firm and major Civil Rights activist. He's a hero to the African-American community and the firm plans to use that to rebrand their firm to make it more up-to-date with today's especially politically conscious society. Marissa and Jay interview several people to get them to say nice things about Carl, which works until they get to his former secretary, Cynthia, who reveals she was sexually harassed by Carl. This is not the kind of rebranding they want. Adrian asks Marissa and Jay to keep it to themselves until he can figure out what to do about this.

Another wrench in this situation is thrown in by Naomi, the reporter who was sexually harassed by Adrian in law school some years ago, who was contacted by Cynthia's daughter. Jay talks to Naomi and finds out Naomi thinks it's about Adrian, not Carl. They think they're in the free and clear, but Naomi reveals she knows about Tom and Jerry, who used the firm to take down that revealing sexual harassers website from last season before they could be exposed for sexual harassment. So it ends up being that they keep the Carl situation quiet, but reveal to their clients about what happened with Tom and Jerry to keep on top of that.
Diane and Kurt and Eric and Don Jr.
Diane and Kurt are back together, but Diane is questioning their refound happiness almost immediately. That's further instigated by her discovery of a long hair on his jacket. Ruh Roh. She asks him who he went to the gun range with, and he's a bit sketchy with his answer of no. Later, Diane finds two plane tickets to go on a safari, and she's done. She packs up his things, ready to throw him out. After what Carl did, she's not sure she believes Kurt. And she shouldn't because he is lying. But he wasn't lying about another woman, it was that he went shooting with Eric and Don Jr. Diane's not sure if that's worse or better. But it wasn't that he wants to do it, but he's being paid to, and he can't turn it down.
Diane is pissed that the Trumps are now affecting her personally. She takes out her
Extra things:
Lucca is being promoted for rebranding reasons. She's being pushed into becoming a divorce lawyer. Thoughts?
Maya doesn't get to be involved in the rebranding. Maya isn't getting what she wants, so Marissa teaches her Jedi mind tricks to get people to do what she wants, and gives her sunglasses to channel these abilities through. It works. Are we about to see a new Maya?
The NDA animated short. Entertaining or pointless?
Naomi and Jay. There were totally sparks there, right?