A weekly feature in which we're trying to find the most compelling, best acted, written, directed and just generally great, memorable scenes that we've seen in past seven days on TV.
9-1-1, "Full Moon (Creepy AF)", February 28, 2018, Actors: Aisha Hinds and more, The Scene: Hen realizes the stalker was actually in the house
Jennise: An older woman calls 9-1-1 because there’s a man standing outside her house staring at her. He’s not moving and she can’t see his face. As a woman living along, I could completely understand how frightening that would be. When the paramedics and police arrive, Athena searches the property but finds nothing. Hen realizes that what the woman saw was the reflection of someone in the house. The stalker was standing behind her while she was talking to the 911 operator. That moment was pretty creepy.
AGENTS OF SHIELD, "All the Comforts of Home", March 2, 2018, Actors: Natalia Cordova-Buckley, Henry Simmons and more, The Scene: Elena loses her arms
Justyna: Such a shocking twist. We've seen a glimpse of this future for Elena but I never expected it to happen so soon, maybe not ever. It felt like it came out of nowhere, just when things seemed relatively normal. Quite an introduction for the new villain and heartbreaking change in the story. Can't even begin to imagine what it means to Yo-Yo. It was hard enough to see everyone else's reactions (especially Mack's). As always, all the actors did an amazing job in the scene. Mack desperately trying to reach Elena and her quiet response to the insanity around her got me the most. As all the voices disappear in the music and the team leaves the building, it's already clear that nothing is ever going to be the same. Kudos to cast & crew for great work on such a powerful moment. Can't wait for 100th story already.
Jamie: I chose this scene cause I so did not see it coming. It seemed like a lighter episode and then BAM. How rude.
ARROW, "Collision Course", March 1, 2018, Actors: Katie Cassidy and more, The Scene: Ending scene
Samantha: Katie Cassidy is an acting legend. Black Siren is so convincing pretending to be Laurel Lance. The panic, looking so scared, struggling to even speak and quivering as she does so. It takes a special kind of actress to pull a scene like this off & Katie nails it effortlessly.
BASKETS, "Thanksgiving", February 27, 2018, Actors: Louie Anderson and more
The Scene: Christine and the French clowns watch her old home movies
Claire: When her father appears on screen, the look on her face and the way she whispers: “always yelling, always drunk and telling us what to do” and lamenting her first Thanksgiving without her mom is heartbreaking. Louie Anderson conveys being a woman so convincingly, I don’t even see Louie.
BLACK LIGHTNING, "Three Sevens: The Book of Thunder", February 27, 2018, Actors: Cress Williams, Nafessa Williams, Christine Adams, The Scene: Thunder vs. Black Lightning
Justyna: I certainly didn't see this fight coming. But it was surprisingly entertaining scene. Not only did we learn more about their powers when they were using them against each other, but we also got the identity reveal much earlier than I expected. Jefferson's reaction when he realized he hurt his own daughter as he holds her in his arms was really well done. Also I'm very glad that Lynn, Jefferson and Anissa all know the truth now. I think it's a progress in the right direction and another exciting part of the story to explore. The show has been doing a great job so far in keeping the viewers invested and interested in this family story. Can't believe we're in the middle of season one already. Kudos to cast & crew for their work on the series!
Sean: Anissa and Jefferson’s fight scene. It was very fun to see a superhero father and daughter unknowingly fight each other while being completely unaware of each other's secret identity until afterwards. Jefferson and Lynn finding out their daughter has powers also sets up the back half of the season quite nicely. Also picked by Marko
CHANNEL ZERO, "Alice in Slaughterland", February 28, 2018, Actors: Krisha Fairchild, Brandon Scott and more, The Scene: Louise and Luke try to dispose of dead/undead Robert Peach
Claire: They have to cut off his head and Louise, the badass that she is, takes on the task. Watching her take that lopper to Peach is empowering. The amazing Krisha Fairchild as Louise.
COUNTERPART, "Act Like You've Been Here Before", February 25, 2018, Actors: J.K. Simmons, Nicholas Pinnock, The Scene: Shaw interrogates Harold Alpha
Milo: This was a great sequence as we got another incredible performance from JK Simmons as he attempted to fool Shaw's questions, helped by the fact that he legitimately did not know anything about what was going on having been kept in the dark by Harold Prime. This resulted in a great standoff between both characters, saved only by the late intervention from Emily Prime.
GREY'S ANATOMY, "You Really Got a Hold on Me", March 1, 2018, Actors: Jaina Lee Ortiz and more, The Scene: Andy Herrera arrives at the hospital
Patrycja: Andy Herrera arrives at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital with her hand in a boy’s cavity holding his artery. Glasses immediately tells her to take her hand out but in return she says he looks like a twelve year-old and wants him to get a grown up to tell her that.
HERE AND NOW, "If a Deer Shits in the Woods", February 25, 2018, Actors: Jerrika Hinton, Trent Garrett, The Scene: Ashley gets Randy to confess on camera (picked by Luana)
HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER, "Lahey v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania", March 1, 2018, Actors: Viola Davis and more, The Scene: Annalise's speech
Diana: The second part of the crossover was the strongest one, maybe because I dropped the show last year. But I can't deny the most powerful scene was when Annalise speaks to the Supreme Court of U.S. about race and civil rights. Viola Davis is truly one of the major actresses alive nowdays.
Jamie: This stuff needed to be said and there's no one better to say it than Viola Davis.
JANE THE VIRGIN, "Chapter Seventy-Five", March 2, 2018, Actors: Gina Rodriguez, Justin Baldoni, The Scene: Jane and Rafael decide to go for it (picked by Luana)
LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT, "Chasing Demons", February 28, 2018, Actors: Mariska Hargitay, Dean Winters, The Scene: Cassidy and Benson have a heart to heart at the end
Shirleena: When Cassidy and Benson finally had their heart to heart at the end of the episode.
LEGENDS OF TOMORROW, "The Curse of the Earth Totem", February 26, 2018, Actors: Arthur Darvill, Caity Lotz, Maisie Richardson-Sellers, Keiynan Lonsdale and more, The Scenes: Wally and Rip sing Careless Whisper & Sara and Ava have drinks & The legend of the Dread Pirate Jiwe & Sara and Ava kiss
Justyna: It was a very entertaining episode but what I loved about it the most was definitely all the interactions between Rip and Wally. Rip was one of the reasons why I was interested to watch the show in the first place, so it was nice to see him back like that. Also, him and Wally were a brilliant and hilarious duo. Their "Careless Whisper" was absolutely perfect. It made me wish there was more focus in the hour on just these two and their drunk adventures across time. It's something I never knew I wanted but immediately got on board after the karaoke scene. Also, Arthur Darvill and Keiynan Lonsdale have great voices. Hope to see them sing together again some day! Kudos to cast & crew for all their great work on the episode.
Jaz: Legends of Tomorrow is slowly becoming known for its odd and often hilarious integration of iconic songs and this scene was no exception. The "havoc" Ava feared was just two men, lost and at rock bottom drunkenly singing in a Karaoke Bar! Also seeing Keiynan and Arthur use their vocal talents for the show was also an added pleasure.
Samantha: Sara & Ava have drinks. I absolutely love these two and after resolving their earlier differences & fighting off pirates, they settled down for some drinks and 'chill'.
Jennise: The Dread Pirate Jiwe. This scene was a pretty fun version of the game Telephone. Mick decides Amaya needs a little loosening up so he gets the guys to help him convince the other pirates that she's the one in charge. This starts by announcing that The Dread Pirate Jiwe cut out a man's tongue because he didn't obey her orders. By the time her story makes it across the room she's hunted down a Kraken's baby and ate it. It was a real quick scene but it packed a lot of fun.
Jamie: Sara and Ava kiss. This whole scene was so great. From the fight to the kiss and the interruption by pirates.
LETHAL WEAPON, "Ruthless", February 27, 2018, Actors: Damon Wayans, Clayne Crawford, Kevin Rahm, The Scene: Murtaugh tells Riggs about the hardships of working undercover
Jennise: Murtaugh regales Riggs with the hardship and difficulty of going deep, deep undercover. The problem is Avery is in the room. As Murtaugh talks, Avery counters with the facts. “For two weeks we had to call him Randy.
SCANDAL, "Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself", March 1, 2018, Actors: Cornelius Smith Jr., Aja Naomi King, The Scene: Michaela and Marcus talk at the bar
Luana: I know this is bad, and I love Asher, but damn, these two have chemistry!
SCHITT'S CREEK, "Open Mic", February 27, 2018, Actors: Noah Reid, Dan Levy
The Scene: Patrick serenades David (picked by Laura)
SPEECHLESS, "E-i-Eighteen", February 28, 2018, Actors: Cedric Yarbrough, Micah Fowler, The Scene: Kenneth calls JJ out on his behavior
Samantha: This was a really powerful scene, in an episode that overall showcased the depth of Cedric's acting abilities. Kenneth is usually very much the comic relief & rarely ever falls out or has a need to call JJ out on his behavior, but he was completely out of line this episode and Kenneth rightly told him if he wanted to be treated like an adult he had to act like one instead of a child. Also picked by Marko
STAR WARS REBELS, "A World Between Worlds", February 26, 2018, Voiced by: Ian McDiarmid, Taylor Gray, Ashley Eckstein, The Scene: Ezra and Ahsoka escape from Emperor Palpatine
Milo: This was a very chilling scene in an awesome, Twin Peaks-inspired episode that saw the return of Ian McDiarmid who had played the character in the Prequels. Even in his brief moments on screen, McDiarmid's voicing of Palpatine helped establish him as a clear and present threat that helped show just how out of their depths both Ezra and Ahsoka were. I could have picked virtually any other given scene from this episode, that's how good it was - but the presence of Palpatine in particular really helped make this episode stand out.
THE GOOD DOCTOR, "Heartfelt", February 26, 2018, Actors: Antonia Thomas, Chuku Modu, The Scene: Jared and Claire dance at the hospital gala
Naomi: As Jared and Claire dance at the hospital gala, a song comes on that reminds Jared of their first kiss. Claire does not remember- leaving Jared heartbroken and finally assured that Claire will never love him the way he loves her. He tells her as much, kisses her on the cheek, and leaves her visibly stunned on the dance floor alone. Though I always figured these two were not end-game, it was still painful to watch Jared and Claire feeling devastated by the end of their relationship. Both actors brought serious emotion to this scene.
THE WALKING DEAD, "Honor", February 25, 2018, Actors: Chandler Riggs, Danai Gurira, Andrew Lincoln, The Scene: Carl’s death
Claire: Carl and Michonne calling each other their best friend, during Carl’s death scene. Haven’t watched the show in a while, but I was crying like a baby. The show has lost its heart, but found it again this week. I hope they honor Carl’s wish and find peace. Chandler Riggs and Danai Gurira were wonderful.
WACO, "Day 51", February 28, 2018, Actors: Melissa Benoist and more, The Scene: Rachel and the children in the school bus
DJRiter: In a brief wordless scene during the finale of Waco, Melissa Benoist delivered what I’d consider to be the most gut-wrenching moment of the mini-series. Rachel and some of the women and their children try to escape the tear gas used on the compound by the FBI by fleeing to an old school bus used as a storm shelter. Unfortunately, the destruction caused by the vehicles to insert the gas has trapped them in the bus. As the gas begins to fill the bus they are slowly overcome by the gas, the children being the most susceptible. Her own son is overcome and lays lifeless on the dirt floor, and as she tearfully tries dragging him to the small gap where there is a last hope for survival, she expresses her desperation and fear with a heart-rending guttural cry of a mother in fear of losing her child. While it was a difficult scene to watch, it was brilliantly played by Benoist. She tapped deep into every mother’s greatest fear through her facial expressions and that primal reaction that makes it a standout moment in the mini-series.
WILL & GRACE, "Three Weiss Men", March 1, 2018, Actors: Debra Messing and more, The Scene: Grace tries to stay in control
Diana: The whole episode was one of the best in the season. I picked the scene in which Grace, after realizing she's been dating three members of the same family and while trying to control the situation with all those men in the same room, declares "I'm the prettiest girl in the world" - referring to herself, because the three men called her in that way. Debra Messing was at her finest. I've never laughed so much before.
9-1-1, "Full Moon (Creepy AF)", February 28, 2018, Actors: Aisha Hinds and more, The Scene: Hen realizes the stalker was actually in the house
Jennise: An older woman calls 9-1-1 because there’s a man standing outside her house staring at her. He’s not moving and she can’t see his face. As a woman living along, I could completely understand how frightening that would be. When the paramedics and police arrive, Athena searches the property but finds nothing. Hen realizes that what the woman saw was the reflection of someone in the house. The stalker was standing behind her while she was talking to the 911 operator. That moment was pretty creepy.
AGENTS OF SHIELD, "All the Comforts of Home", March 2, 2018, Actors: Natalia Cordova-Buckley, Henry Simmons and more, The Scene: Elena loses her arms
Justyna: Such a shocking twist. We've seen a glimpse of this future for Elena but I never expected it to happen so soon, maybe not ever. It felt like it came out of nowhere, just when things seemed relatively normal. Quite an introduction for the new villain and heartbreaking change in the story. Can't even begin to imagine what it means to Yo-Yo. It was hard enough to see everyone else's reactions (especially Mack's). As always, all the actors did an amazing job in the scene. Mack desperately trying to reach Elena and her quiet response to the insanity around her got me the most. As all the voices disappear in the music and the team leaves the building, it's already clear that nothing is ever going to be the same. Kudos to cast & crew for great work on such a powerful moment. Can't wait for 100th story already.
Jamie: I chose this scene cause I so did not see it coming. It seemed like a lighter episode and then BAM. How rude.
ARROW, "Collision Course", March 1, 2018, Actors: Katie Cassidy and more, The Scene: Ending scene
Samantha: Katie Cassidy is an acting legend. Black Siren is so convincing pretending to be Laurel Lance. The panic, looking so scared, struggling to even speak and quivering as she does so. It takes a special kind of actress to pull a scene like this off & Katie nails it effortlessly.
BASKETS, "Thanksgiving", February 27, 2018, Actors: Louie Anderson and more
The Scene: Christine and the French clowns watch her old home movies
Claire: When her father appears on screen, the look on her face and the way she whispers: “always yelling, always drunk and telling us what to do” and lamenting her first Thanksgiving without her mom is heartbreaking. Louie Anderson conveys being a woman so convincingly, I don’t even see Louie.
BLACK LIGHTNING, "Three Sevens: The Book of Thunder", February 27, 2018, Actors: Cress Williams, Nafessa Williams, Christine Adams, The Scene: Thunder vs. Black Lightning
Justyna: I certainly didn't see this fight coming. But it was surprisingly entertaining scene. Not only did we learn more about their powers when they were using them against each other, but we also got the identity reveal much earlier than I expected. Jefferson's reaction when he realized he hurt his own daughter as he holds her in his arms was really well done. Also I'm very glad that Lynn, Jefferson and Anissa all know the truth now. I think it's a progress in the right direction and another exciting part of the story to explore. The show has been doing a great job so far in keeping the viewers invested and interested in this family story. Can't believe we're in the middle of season one already. Kudos to cast & crew for their work on the series!
Sean: Anissa and Jefferson’s fight scene. It was very fun to see a superhero father and daughter unknowingly fight each other while being completely unaware of each other's secret identity until afterwards. Jefferson and Lynn finding out their daughter has powers also sets up the back half of the season quite nicely. Also picked by Marko
CHANNEL ZERO, "Alice in Slaughterland", February 28, 2018, Actors: Krisha Fairchild, Brandon Scott and more, The Scene: Louise and Luke try to dispose of dead/undead Robert Peach
Claire: They have to cut off his head and Louise, the badass that she is, takes on the task. Watching her take that lopper to Peach is empowering. The amazing Krisha Fairchild as Louise.
COUNTERPART, "Act Like You've Been Here Before", February 25, 2018, Actors: J.K. Simmons, Nicholas Pinnock, The Scene: Shaw interrogates Harold Alpha
Milo: This was a great sequence as we got another incredible performance from JK Simmons as he attempted to fool Shaw's questions, helped by the fact that he legitimately did not know anything about what was going on having been kept in the dark by Harold Prime. This resulted in a great standoff between both characters, saved only by the late intervention from Emily Prime.
GREY'S ANATOMY, "You Really Got a Hold on Me", March 1, 2018, Actors: Jaina Lee Ortiz and more, The Scene: Andy Herrera arrives at the hospital
Patrycja: Andy Herrera arrives at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital with her hand in a boy’s cavity holding his artery. Glasses immediately tells her to take her hand out but in return she says he looks like a twelve year-old and wants him to get a grown up to tell her that.
HERE AND NOW, "If a Deer Shits in the Woods", February 25, 2018, Actors: Jerrika Hinton, Trent Garrett, The Scene: Ashley gets Randy to confess on camera (picked by Luana)
HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER, "Lahey v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania", March 1, 2018, Actors: Viola Davis and more, The Scene: Annalise's speech
Diana: The second part of the crossover was the strongest one, maybe because I dropped the show last year. But I can't deny the most powerful scene was when Annalise speaks to the Supreme Court of U.S. about race and civil rights. Viola Davis is truly one of the major actresses alive nowdays.
Jamie: This stuff needed to be said and there's no one better to say it than Viola Davis.
JANE THE VIRGIN, "Chapter Seventy-Five", March 2, 2018, Actors: Gina Rodriguez, Justin Baldoni, The Scene: Jane and Rafael decide to go for it (picked by Luana)
LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT, "Chasing Demons", February 28, 2018, Actors: Mariska Hargitay, Dean Winters, The Scene: Cassidy and Benson have a heart to heart at the end
Shirleena: When Cassidy and Benson finally had their heart to heart at the end of the episode.
LEGENDS OF TOMORROW, "The Curse of the Earth Totem", February 26, 2018, Actors: Arthur Darvill, Caity Lotz, Maisie Richardson-Sellers, Keiynan Lonsdale and more, The Scenes: Wally and Rip sing Careless Whisper & Sara and Ava have drinks & The legend of the Dread Pirate Jiwe & Sara and Ava kiss
Justyna: It was a very entertaining episode but what I loved about it the most was definitely all the interactions between Rip and Wally. Rip was one of the reasons why I was interested to watch the show in the first place, so it was nice to see him back like that. Also, him and Wally were a brilliant and hilarious duo. Their "Careless Whisper" was absolutely perfect. It made me wish there was more focus in the hour on just these two and their drunk adventures across time. It's something I never knew I wanted but immediately got on board after the karaoke scene. Also, Arthur Darvill and Keiynan Lonsdale have great voices. Hope to see them sing together again some day! Kudos to cast & crew for all their great work on the episode.
Jaz: Legends of Tomorrow is slowly becoming known for its odd and often hilarious integration of iconic songs and this scene was no exception. The "havoc" Ava feared was just two men, lost and at rock bottom drunkenly singing in a Karaoke Bar! Also seeing Keiynan and Arthur use their vocal talents for the show was also an added pleasure.
Samantha: Sara & Ava have drinks. I absolutely love these two and after resolving their earlier differences & fighting off pirates, they settled down for some drinks and 'chill'.
Jennise: The Dread Pirate Jiwe. This scene was a pretty fun version of the game Telephone. Mick decides Amaya needs a little loosening up so he gets the guys to help him convince the other pirates that she's the one in charge. This starts by announcing that The Dread Pirate Jiwe cut out a man's tongue because he didn't obey her orders. By the time her story makes it across the room she's hunted down a Kraken's baby and ate it. It was a real quick scene but it packed a lot of fun.
Jamie: Sara and Ava kiss. This whole scene was so great. From the fight to the kiss and the interruption by pirates.
LETHAL WEAPON, "Ruthless", February 27, 2018, Actors: Damon Wayans, Clayne Crawford, Kevin Rahm, The Scene: Murtaugh tells Riggs about the hardships of working undercover
Jennise: Murtaugh regales Riggs with the hardship and difficulty of going deep, deep undercover. The problem is Avery is in the room. As Murtaugh talks, Avery counters with the facts. “For two weeks we had to call him Randy.
SCANDAL, "Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself", March 1, 2018, Actors: Cornelius Smith Jr., Aja Naomi King, The Scene: Michaela and Marcus talk at the bar
Luana: I know this is bad, and I love Asher, but damn, these two have chemistry!
SCHITT'S CREEK, "Open Mic", February 27, 2018, Actors: Noah Reid, Dan Levy
The Scene: Patrick serenades David (picked by Laura)
SPEECHLESS, "E-i-Eighteen", February 28, 2018, Actors: Cedric Yarbrough, Micah Fowler, The Scene: Kenneth calls JJ out on his behavior
Samantha: This was a really powerful scene, in an episode that overall showcased the depth of Cedric's acting abilities. Kenneth is usually very much the comic relief & rarely ever falls out or has a need to call JJ out on his behavior, but he was completely out of line this episode and Kenneth rightly told him if he wanted to be treated like an adult he had to act like one instead of a child. Also picked by Marko
STAR WARS REBELS, "A World Between Worlds", February 26, 2018, Voiced by: Ian McDiarmid, Taylor Gray, Ashley Eckstein, The Scene: Ezra and Ahsoka escape from Emperor Palpatine
Milo: This was a very chilling scene in an awesome, Twin Peaks-inspired episode that saw the return of Ian McDiarmid who had played the character in the Prequels. Even in his brief moments on screen, McDiarmid's voicing of Palpatine helped establish him as a clear and present threat that helped show just how out of their depths both Ezra and Ahsoka were. I could have picked virtually any other given scene from this episode, that's how good it was - but the presence of Palpatine in particular really helped make this episode stand out.
THE GOOD DOCTOR, "Heartfelt", February 26, 2018, Actors: Antonia Thomas, Chuku Modu, The Scene: Jared and Claire dance at the hospital gala
Naomi: As Jared and Claire dance at the hospital gala, a song comes on that reminds Jared of their first kiss. Claire does not remember- leaving Jared heartbroken and finally assured that Claire will never love him the way he loves her. He tells her as much, kisses her on the cheek, and leaves her visibly stunned on the dance floor alone. Though I always figured these two were not end-game, it was still painful to watch Jared and Claire feeling devastated by the end of their relationship. Both actors brought serious emotion to this scene.
THE WALKING DEAD, "Honor", February 25, 2018, Actors: Chandler Riggs, Danai Gurira, Andrew Lincoln, The Scene: Carl’s death
Claire: Carl and Michonne calling each other their best friend, during Carl’s death scene. Haven’t watched the show in a while, but I was crying like a baby. The show has lost its heart, but found it again this week. I hope they honor Carl’s wish and find peace. Chandler Riggs and Danai Gurira were wonderful.
WACO, "Day 51", February 28, 2018, Actors: Melissa Benoist and more, The Scene: Rachel and the children in the school bus
DJRiter: In a brief wordless scene during the finale of Waco, Melissa Benoist delivered what I’d consider to be the most gut-wrenching moment of the mini-series. Rachel and some of the women and their children try to escape the tear gas used on the compound by the FBI by fleeing to an old school bus used as a storm shelter. Unfortunately, the destruction caused by the vehicles to insert the gas has trapped them in the bus. As the gas begins to fill the bus they are slowly overcome by the gas, the children being the most susceptible. Her own son is overcome and lays lifeless on the dirt floor, and as she tearfully tries dragging him to the small gap where there is a last hope for survival, she expresses her desperation and fear with a heart-rending guttural cry of a mother in fear of losing her child. While it was a difficult scene to watch, it was brilliantly played by Benoist. She tapped deep into every mother’s greatest fear through her facial expressions and that primal reaction that makes it a standout moment in the mini-series.
WILL & GRACE, "Three Weiss Men", March 1, 2018, Actors: Debra Messing and more, The Scene: Grace tries to stay in control
Diana: The whole episode was one of the best in the season. I picked the scene in which Grace, after realizing she's been dating three members of the same family and while trying to control the situation with all those men in the same room, declares "I'm the prettiest girl in the world" - referring to herself, because the three men called her in that way. Debra Messing was at her finest. I've never laughed so much before.