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POLL : What did you think of Penny Dreadful - And They Were Enemies?

6 Jul 2015

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  1. - Vanessa's confrontation in Poole's inner sanctum was...incredible.
    - Hecate's role in the confrontation was a master stoke.
    - I don't get why Victor all of sudden went all "Come home, Lily." He faced his demons in the mansion, and I thought he was going to tell Lily the truth about herself. What he did doesn't make sense storywise. It only makes sense as a way for Lily to have her great exposition.

  2. Poor Sembene. I knew his death was coming, cause actor Danny Sapani is going to The Bastard Executioner, on FX. Still sad, though

  3. I love this amazing series. But after growing them into this extraordinary circle of friends , to then mournfully disperse them without a flicker of light left among them was a empty downer of a season closer. Their victory was so hollow after fighting so hard and sacrificing so much for it. I could have used one gaslight left burning amidst so much gloom.

  4. Brilliant season finale gonna be a Real treat to see how they all come together again especially Ethan and Vanessa

  5. Loved that finale. I was very surprised when almost everything was resolved less than half way through the episode. Normally I hate it when shows end seasons with the characters split up but in this case I liked it, I'm looking forward to seeing their individual storylines next season and what brings them back together. I much preferred Ethan with a shaved head as well.


    A beautiful finale full of heartbreak and betrayal.I con not decide which part was better, scene after scene were really well done and teh whole cast delivered very well.

  7. Eva Green is absolutely phenomenal. Loved Vanessa's scene with Clare. So heartbreaking.

    A review:

  8. awesome finale that wrapped things up rather quickly, and then gave us a wind down and set ups for next season: but who will be the big bad(s)? Lilly/Dorian seems obvious, but will Hecate reappear as well, or will they save her for possibly a future season?... I wonder if they will go to America to try to free Ethan? That would be an interesting turn if they decide to do that..... but after 2 fantastic seasons, I am confident that whatever the writers can come up with will be excellent viewing...

  9. Christina Sherwood6 July 2015 at 07:06

    Oh Ethan you dumb noble bastard you! (shaking fist at television). Next season NOW PLEASE!!

  10. It was awesome, it was... But did it have to end like that!?!
    I was sobbing myself through the end of the episode. I actually wanted Vanessa to go with John Clare, just so I could have a little happiness (but also because they have a beautiful friendship). They are kindred souls indeed.

    Ethan! WHY!?! Well, I sort of get it, but WTF. NO! You should have stayed with your girl!
    I loved Dorian and Lily together. They are both terrifying and beautiful.
    And I feel sorry for Victor - again. That man can never catch a break...
    And John Clare is definitely becoming one of my favorite characters. Despite the world trying to make him a monster, he's just the sweetest <3

    I'm relieved we get a season 3, but worried as to how the story will pick up again.
    And the wait will be unbearable.

  11. I haven't heard anything about a Claire Chandler thing? Have I missed something?

  12. "You are the most human man I have ever known.", cue the tears.

    I thought it was a fantastic season finale that really is gonna make the show completely different and new again in season 3 with all the characters going their separate ways. It is gonna be interesting to see what they all will be up to and how they find back to each other again.

    Burning the cross was more an act of renouncing her dedication to God than embracing atheism. Vanessa does acknowledges God's existence but does not places her trust in him. This brings me back a lot of memories from Vikings (my favourite drama at the moment) and Ragnar's emotional choice at the end of season three.

    As much as the Creature hates to admit it, I think he loves Victor and will come to his aide once he hears of Lily and Dorian's plans. I'm sure of it. I want their reunion more than anything. Rory Kinnear is a fantastic (this whole cast is, really).

    I have already withdrawals symptoms, guys.
    Congratulations, Mister Logan. You should be very proud of your work.

  13. No, you didn't miss anything. I'm assuming you've watched the episode. It's just that last week a few person was complaining about a plot point they had heard rumors about. That there was a young actress cast who looks like Eva and was supposed to play a character named Claire Chandler. These posters were theorizing she could be Ethan and Vanessa's daughter named after Vanessa's mum. She wasn't in the previous episode as they'd hoped so they were being all butt-hurt and dramatic, insulting the writer and saying how the show is ruined because they want Ethan and Vanessa together. I want to see them together myself but I'm not doing all that.

  14. Poor Vanessa!!! I feel soooo sorry for her.. She's alone now, even without god..

  15. Haha, I guess it's some Internet troll trying to stir up trouble. I'm quite glad she didn't appear out of the blue in the last two episodes of the season, that would have been weird. I also want Ethan and Vanessa together, but I'm trusting the writers have some kind of plan. They've written a fantastic script so far!

  16. Just a excellent season (No Spoilers............much)! And now the painful wait for season 3. Eva Green and Billie Piper were simply phenomenal this season followed closely by Harry Treadaway (Victor) and Rory Kinnear (John Clare) who were great this season (their scenes with Eva and Billie are must see performances).
    "Gray - Croft" for TV's "Best Villainy Couple". Can't wait to see what they do next season!
    Hecate will make a great return villain, but a even better "foil/rival" for Vanessa............especially if she becomes her mentor's (cut - wife) "little scorpion" as it appears she is fated to be.
    3 ships sailing at the end 1) to Africa with Sir Malcolm, 2) to the North Pole with John Clare, and 3) to the US with will they reunite?
    My early prediction:
    - Victor will sail to the North Pole to find John Clare in his efforts to stop team "Gray - Croft".
    - Vanessa will first go to Africa to find Sir Malcolm (telling him of Ethan circumstances), then together they will set sail to save Ethan.
    Great that "Penny" is already renewed for season 3, but it would have been even better if it was 12 or 13 episodes, Mr. John Logan. Very "forward thinking" of ShowTime and producers to have a "secretly" gay character in Ferdinand Lyle and a "trans woman" in Angelique. Penny should be acknowledged for this IMO.
    Quote of the episode: Ferdinand Lyle
    Quote: (Ferdinand Lyle to Night Hag) "Never underestimate the power of a queen with lovely hair my dear."
    4 A 3RD PENNY FULL OF DREAD, I am Nobody!!!

  17. Wow that was an amazing and heartbreaking finale! Capping off a truly fantastic season. This season did such a beautiful job bringing the characters together as a family and now it ended with tearing them apart. And three of them are leaving the country in three completely different directions.

    Oh Vanessa...just when I think my heart can't break anymore for her it does. She's so very alone...she doesn't even have God to comfort her now...and she's still very much hunted. It will be interesting to see what she does now... And that cruel to show her a normal happy life that she feels she's too far gone to have or deserve. Seeing her and Ethan so happy, so at peace, not the tortured souls they are...ugh killed me. And then the mention of Mina and Jonathan coming over for tea...the Devil was just pouring more salt on the wounds there... That said I love that instead of letting that cruelty break it more than anything pissed her off. Watching her defeat the Devil by using his own language against him was BADASS. This language that's was said to make her more vulnerable to the Devil and instead she completely kicked his ass with it. As soon as she started growling I knew that doll was going to get it (I loved the look of panic too on the doll's face right then) and that entire scene did not disappoint. I am in absolutely awe of Eva Green...there are no words for that woman's talent! And I loved the moment WolfEthan got into the room, immediately slashed Evelyn's throat and had almost a face off with Vanessa...I knew he wouldn't be able to hurt her but still the moment he recognized her then recoiled in horror at her touch was beautifully done by both actors. And then her scene with Mr. Clare...that she felt she was so damned she didn't want to drag him down with her...oh my heart hurts...for both of them.

    It will be interesting to see what happens with Ethan now that's he's on his way home...which he apparently fears more than death itself. My heart hurts for him too...actually for all the characters (except Dorian, Lily and Hecate of course). Anyway, now that the group's separated and some even on different continents, Interested to see how they handle things on their own and how they will be brought back together. So thankful this show got renewed!

  18. Good part of the ending, Ethan has cut his hair.....

  19. CaliforniaGirl6 July 2015 at 15:47

    I agree with everything except Ethan's hair. I thought the shaved head looked terrible, but I believe that was the idea since it visually conveyed his loss of freedom/ vanity/ dignity as a caged prisoner.

    Regarding the season ending with the characters scattered in different directions, this opens up a lot of possibilities for next season which is exciting. I do, however, hope they don't spend too many episodes with them apart since we only get 9 episodes in season 3.

  20. CaliforniaGirl6 July 2015 at 16:02

    Victor was shown near the end having injected a large amount of Heroin and passing out on his bed.

    They showed Hecate packing up her things, burning down the house and leaving. I am assuming she will not be featured next season, next season will head in a different direction, but her story was left open for the future.

    I also wonder if Dr. Jekyll will be the new literary character. He seems like a good fit for the show.

  21. - I know what Victor did, but that they didn't show him in the final montage was strange.

    - I actually imagine that Hecate will have something to do with Ethan getting free, and that's why I find it weird that they left off with her where they did.
    - It occurred to me that Dracula and Carmilla might be other literary characters that they might use in a way to bring back the vampires. Hmmm...maybe Varney also.

  22. CaliforniaGirl6 July 2015 at 16:12

    This is my favorite show currently on TV. I watch a lot of British TV so I prefer the short season/ high quality episode format like this but... this season flew by way too fast and I want more! I'm disappointed there will be even fewer episodes produced for season 3 since I truly enjoyed every minute of every episode this season. Now the long wait begins....

  23. CaliforniaGirl6 July 2015 at 16:29

    I'm hoping it grows back before season 3 begins, since the voyage from England to America took a lot time back then. It appears I'm in the minority though. Just personal preference I guess. I once played with Brad Pitt's long hair at a party :) (this was a long time ago, pre- Angelina or Jen)

  24. haha, I do prefer shorter hair.... but it always depends. I guess the longer hair fits better to his character on this show.

  25. God, i'm gonna miss this show soooooo much :(

  26. Aiyya!!! Why so negative? You watch Person of Interest, right? There, the season finales have similar endings - huge sacrifices, small victories but new looming dangers/disasters. And I absolutely love it that way. So, seeing this type of ending in Penny Dreadful made me ecstatic. Nothing comes easy for our band of heroes. They triumph over one thing but there's fresh adversity just around the corner ( in this case separation of all characters going their own ways).

  27. Did you read the post mortem interviews? Hecate will be back in S3 and it makes me happy. She is an awesome character.

  28. Wonder if they will all be back next season - talking to you too, Mr. Lyle - you and your divine locks must return. Enjoy the dark but also loved the new lighter moments this season, for a changeup. The show runner said they will be on their separate paths for a while before they come back together next season.

  29. I hope Frankenstein takes Lyle's advice and talks to him. It is obvious that Victor needs help (emotional) or he may spiral into a drug filled oblivion. Lyle, Victor and Vanessa are the only three left in London. I have immensely enjoyed the Victor/Vanessa friendship of S2 and it will be a hoot if Lyle too joins them and forms a triumvirate who talk and help each other through their problems.

  30. Yes, and any group with Mr. Lyle is OK by me. Thought the Mr. Clare/Vanessa friendship was especially touching as well. It is clear now that they built up Ethan's relationship with Sembene so that it would be all the sadder that Ethan was the one to kill him.

  31. I don't think she expected Ethan to kill Vanessa. She knew he was the Lupus Dei and that he was Vanessa's protector. OTOH, she fully expected him to end her mother. Granted that Evelyn was starting to age rapidly yet there was no definite reason to believe that she would have died. (remember the Cut Wife of Ballentree Moor, sister of Evelyn, Joan Clayton? - when Vanessa met her, she herself was very, very old and she hadn't made any deal with Lucifer) So, I am thinking that these witches are blessed with long lives. Hence Hecate had to make sure her mother died.

  32. Just finished watching it and it was all around a really poignant and fantastic finale. Definitely tops S1 (which was already one of my favorites). Next season should be really interesting to see everyone have their own separate storylines now that the group has parted ways. Here's hoping that they all cross paths with each other.

    Eva Green and Harry Treadaway were such a delight in this episode. Vanessa shouting in Verbis Diablo and killing the dark master and Victor succumbing further into his drug addiction were definitely some of the most phenomenal acting on television I have ever seen. How this show hasn't gotten any Emmy recognition is beyond me.

    Ethan going all wolf style on Evelyn!! That was badass. A quick slash to the throat was all it took to take down the evil witch. Now that she is free from her mother, will Hecate go on search of her own goals or will she continue to go after Vanessa? I'm so glad we will see more of her in S3.

    That Lily/Dorian/Victor scene was so haunting and oh so beautiful. The shot of Dorian and Lily having pools of blood on the back of their white pearl outfits was so visually stunning. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing the two of them being one of the Big Bads of next season. It would be all kinds of epic.

    Vanessa burning her crucifix was definitely a sign that she now feels abandoned but I have a feeling that is not all alone in this. And the scene between her and Mr. John Clare was fantastic. What an odd but so interesting dynamic they have. This was basically meant as their goodbyes to one another as John Clare will soon sail far and away towards the Antarctic atmosphere...

    Ethan Chandler just broke my heart into a million pieces during that sequence of him being shipped back to the states. The one place he truly fears and he's being forced to go back. I really hope he finds Vanessa again especially when she really needed him.

    Now the hellacious wait for S3 of this gem of a show begins.

  33. I'm still crying.


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