Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mistresses - Episode 3.05 - Threesomes - Promo

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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

Mistresses - Episode 3.05 - Threesomes - Promo

3 Jul 2015

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  1. Lol great preview!
    Calista getting right into the messy one with April blabbering out Karen did it with the couple. ^^
    Also is Calista's gay presumed The100 alumn assistant kissing her neck? 0.o I really hope Luca isn't setting up a trap for her.
    Looking forward to this. ^^

  2. YASSS, Demi playing in the background just made my day! <333

  3. Yep, it's her "gay presumed" (approprietly put) assistant, as it can be seen in the promotional pictures!

  4. I didn't look at the promo pics. Thx for the confirmation.

  5. It's nice to Calista finally joining the group.


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