Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Scorpion - Episode 1.21 - Cliffhanger - Sneak Peeks

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Scorpion - Episode 1.21 - Cliffhanger - Sneak Peeks

11 Apr 2015

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  1. What a crappy situation all the way around. When Cabe couldn't stop the bombing that used Walter's aid package program, he did what he could to protect Walter and subsequently himself. Now it looks like a hacker/terrorist is out to exact revenge for that bombing all these years later. Both Cabe and Walter are knee deep in this mess through no real fault of their own. If Walter can't get past what Cabe did and forgive him, it's going to leave a terrible, lasting mark on Cabe. Especially because when Cabe calls Walter "son", you can tell he means it.

    This season's final two episodes are going to be tense.

  2. i can't hate Cabe for doing what he did but at the same time i can't look at him the same way again and i HATE that feeling

  3. Shelby T Mitchell12 April 2015 at 06:22

    Cabe and Walter both need to put aside their differences. Both need to sit down and talk not just about Scorpion but where their relationship will be going.

  4. good point but right now the betrayal is too fresh, it's a difficult situation

  5. Well that's messy all around...

  6. it's definitely not black and white is it?

  7. Nope... it absolutely is not...


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