Everyone is alone. We are all alone. This is a truth, a reflection of real life. When it comes down to it, when all is laid bare, we are all alone. Grey’s Anatomy The Bed’s Too Big Without You presented us with this stark picture as we moved merrily toward mid season; hiatus being a little earlier than the obvious episode twelve. And with this came our first real low point for season eleven. Besides some interesting April and Jackson moments following on from their wonderful emotional segments in 11.09, frankly 11.10 was boring. And slow. And rather dull.
Perhaps this is the patients’ fault, given that two of the patients this week were staff? Though that would be a disservice to Adrian and her partner/husband Michael, the latter whose loneliness was probably the only one claiming sympathy at the end. Oh, and April. And Dr Herman. So no. This was not due to the patient stories. This was due to an absence of story telling the audience could really connect with, individual scenes which were too long and a surgical dilemma that appeared to last forever on screen.
Meredith is alone. However this is largely portrayed as being an absence of physical presence rather than an emotional loneliness. She pines for her husband in her bed and her best friend at her side but both of these individuals are available to her via online video calling. (By the end of episode 11.09 we are led to believe that she is largely supportive of Derek’s move to DC – they committed to making it work. One must assume therefore that they are talking regularly without animosity). Her nagging of Alex implies a need for him to drop everything to be physically by her side. By proximity he has replaced Cristina. As we get to the end of the episode Meredith has latched onto Maggie to relieve her ‘alone-ness’. Maggie, self proclaimed ‘too good at being alone’ is at the end of the phone and, apparently, required in every surgery Meredith executes. Thus has physical proximity. I lost sympathy for Meredith throughout the episode. She was whiney and the more I heard from April, Herman, and patient husband Michael, the more I thought how superficial Meredith’s woes were. This story arc played out via a super-surgery on Adrian, whose life was changed when she met Michael. This surgery, though set up to be magnificent, so much so that the tumor required it’s own statuette, turned out to be the least exciting medical emergency. I own up to falling asleep through the planning of it. I was very moved by Adrian and Michael. Michael’s pain at being alone was the real pain we did not see within Meredith.
“I don’t know where she is. She might not wake up. I feel like she’s sailed away and she might not come back, that’s the feeling.”
But I was not moved by the lack of drama in the surgery itself. And the late night scene discussing sleeping habits was deathly dull and overly long. The high point being right at the end of this scene where Meredith gives Maggie a really strange look, as if to say, “yep, Imma call YOU in the middle of the night. You’re my new person. I don’t care if you think it’s creepy”
The choice of book, The Odyssey, was far from obvious but seemed very carefully chosen, the hero is described in Spark Notes as follows:
“Odysseus has the defining character traits of a Homeric leader: strength, courage, nobility, a thirst for glory, and confidence in his authority. His most distinguishing trait, however, is his sharp intellect.”
Maybe this is supposed to be Meredith...or Derek? (Did anyone miss him?)
By the end credits all sympathy for Meredith had disappeared. Let’s face it, how can Meredith moaning about not having Derek in her bed compare with April’s magnificent outburst:
“I am standing here listening to you tell me that God only gives one choice and you telling me that I should forego God’s choice and the truth is I don’t know anything, except that I’m scared and sad and I’m alone. You’re both just standing there yelling at each other and talking at me but I am alone, and it is terrifying and the louder you get the more terrified I become so I just need you both to just shut up. Can you do that, can you please both just shut up”
April has the emotional and physical proximity and yet she still feels alone. The audience can feel it too through the sheer power of Sarah Drew’s performance. This story is one of the best things so far following hiatus. It has allowed us to see both Drew and Jesse Williams go all out. Kepner and Avery’s pain is visceral, tangible and we’re not even close to the good part yet. The only criticism of this story is that it leans too much on stereo types. It is always a challenge to bring ‘faith’ into such a show and do it justice. In this case it is not helped when one side of it is presented in such a polarizing and negative manner. We should be torn between the two sides of the moral, ethical and religious argument but one side is rather warped by the very harsh presentation of April’s mother. In one scene she comes across as a woman possessed and I’m sure this is not what the writer or director intended.

A better approach would have been to make her performance subtler. The final scene though, with April and Jackson, Arizona and Herman was intense and better than the whole of the rest of the episode.
Oh and by the way Jackson, we can all wait until tomorrow. It’s only when you know what you’re facing that you can really know what you need to do.
Amelia is lonely. This segment made a lot of sense and added a nice angle to the topic of the day. Career loneliness. While this focused on one particular surgery – one where there is a huge amount of pressure and intimidation – the overall story arc reminded us of Amelia’s previous fragility and allowed Richard to have the foresight to check in with her. Once again however Stephanie was introduced into the narrative to close the loop. Unfortunately it seems that her only purpose during season eleven is as a prop or tool for the other stories. Though done with grace, this reluctance to build up her character by the writers is not only insulting to the actor but also rather dull for the viewer.
Callie and Owen are lonely. But not for each other. I can say this with some certainty (pause for dramatic effect) on the basis of their body language in the exam room and the depth of Owen’s loneliness for Cristina. This is not the body language of two people intended for each other. The very specific scene set up by Director, Chandra Wilson, tells us that these two are looking for different things in life though feel a kindred spirit in their mutual quest.

Arizona is lonely. We are not sure what she is lonely for - the physical or emotional connection? Because while the early scene of her in bed indicates physical loneliness she is portrayed as being far superior than her boss in terms of emotional intelligence when it comes to patient empathy. Though maybe that’s the point – she craves the physical because (at the moment) the emotional is her work?
And in other news:
Alex and Jo are clearly not alone. Oh no they are not. Boy do we know that now.
And in Maggie’s case the bed is far from too big without you.
I hate Grey’s timelines....Callie is, to quote her, "brutally" divorced from Arizona....after only three months they are divorced already?
The music in this episode is awesome.
11.10, The Bed's Too Big Without You is a functional episode and although it moves the plot forward, fails to hold interest. As viewers we question how the doctors go about their normal lives (finally we know how those children are being cared for) and when do they just have chit chat but honestly we don't want or need so see it. Nor do we need the dull presentation of the surgical "how to remove a complicated tumour". It was certainly not the best of season eleven but it surely wasn't the worst of Grey's Anatomy.
Until next week...or you can download below...
Wow, you and I have completely different opinions about this episode. I think it was AWESOME! It was so much fun. Finally, it wasn't so depressing like the last few episodes, especially the previous one. I was glued to the scene during the tumor storyline, and I'm talking about Adrian's! It was so cool! It really reminded of "Give Peace A Chance" (the one where Derek operates on Isaac's tumor.) The chatting scene reminded me of the early seasons, and finally we even had a bit more comedy. It really was a breath of fresh air, because I was suffocated by all the drama and tears last week. (Not that I didn't like it, but this was really needed.) I'm so glad Meredith is on good terms with Maggie. I loved the teamwork of the ladies, and I laughed at the bar scene. And God, the flashback with Cristina in the vent...Please, Shonda, don't stop with the flashbacks, it's so good to see them.
ReplyDeleteThe music was indeed brilliant. Overall, it was a fun ride and I can't wait for the next episode.
P.S. I want a 3D printer so hard now, lol.
well, differences of opinion make life more interesting :)
ReplyDeleteYou compared the scene with Isaac's tumour which is a good comparison. I did not feel the intensity with this one despite the large amount of screen time. I admit thought I am negatively influenced by Jo. Her presence in this whole scene was less than useless and detracted from the main event. Alex coming in was funny. I agree however with you in terms of comedy. It's good to have it back but I prefer the darkness of comedy weaved into the heavy drama.
I also love the flashbacks!
I definitely agree here. This is one of those episodes where I could easily just skip and not miss a single thing from it. Had its moments but it wasn't altogether there. You're right about the absence of a solid storytelling here that made it dull. And Meredith is totally whiny. I get why but is this all the writers can think for her to do? She needs to show she can have a storyline that doesn't involve someone else who isn't there anymore. Loving Amelia and Dr. Harmon. Callie is my favourite but she's being wasted 😔
ReplyDeleteI really don't see how it moved any storyline along. I found it dull and lacking creativity. There really was no progress. It was a fluff filler ep. And I'm done with April/Jackson that story is too drawn out. It's too heartbreaking.
ReplyDeleteSame here! I absolutely loved this episode! I almost agree with everything: the chatting reminded me of previous seasons too and the vent memoir was really moving. But I do prefer drama than comedy on Grey's (Season 10A, ugh), yet, I think they found balance with this episode.
ReplyDeleteI got very interested at the printer and that tumor, like when they fight extraordinary cases as the previous seasons than just a normal tumor removal.Also loved the fact that the writers are leading Meredith, step by step, towards success in her surgeon career, and yes, I want a 3D printer too, I would print not just Derek, but the whole cast.
Overall, I liked this episode (Season 11 in general) since it made me feel that the story was moving while the scenes were touching, But everyone has its own opinion and thanks to Brouhaha for making a review, and an honest one.
Hate that the promo probably ruined the cliffhanger O_0
If I could vote this up a million times I would. Bravo.
ReplyDeleteWe saw each character's current state of mind. Well most of them. This is important in moving the story along but presented in a deathly dull fashion.
ReplyDeleteNot sure I agree with the fact that April/Jackson story being too drawn out. This is BIG. It deserves the time.
I'm absolutely sure they're building up a Callie storyline. Callie is a Shonda favourite so she will get her moments before end of May.
ReplyDeleteNow that Meredith has her new person (Maggie) perhaps they will move away from this story arc and allow her to build herself up by standing on her own two feet.
ReplyDeleteThank you. i wish the photo would have worked
ReplyDeleteHad a few minutes spare this morning so I counted some scenes. Two examples:
ReplyDeleteThe midnight chatting scene was four and a half minutes.
The fast forward scenes while they are figuring out how to build the tumour amount to 40 seconds of screen time.
That's very self indulgent. Towards the end of the season when they are trying to crush all the stories into the last few minutes and episodes of the season we will think back to this episode and wish they had sharpened it up.
You might do that, but I certainly won't :) I loved that scene, watched it like 5 times. LOL, come to think of it, I actually spent 20 minutes for that, but I don't regret it.
ReplyDeleteEvery now and then they need a filler episode like this. :) In fact, quite often filler episodes are the ones that stand out the most in a show. And this one certainly stood out for me.
You really DID like it :).
ReplyDeleteI can't remember one outstanding filler episode. But hey ho, each to their own. I like the comedy when it's mixed in with the drama, then it's dark....like the crash episode where we saw Meredith, Cristina and Alex talking. It was a chat scene but appropriately short sweet and to the point
I agree with all this, but honestly I do not want Jo and Alex as an endgame. I really just can't like the Jo Wilson character, I like Stephanie better and only a bit. I really liked the dynamics between Owen and Callie, but not Amelia and Owen--I also feel not enough chemistry there. Jackson and April are the ones keeping me watching at this point, Meredith is a yawn. Dr. Herman is growing on me, I am not even sure why, anyway, I keep fast forwarding through the poor plot lines to watch the few good plots--thats what my Greys watching has become.
ReplyDeleteMy watching has become an "I remember that" experience, (once being the darkest and twistiest viewer the show had ) Alex day one is a hard luck story with an abusive father and violent tendencies. Jo is Alex but with breasts and a uterus, something that has always limited him as a character in the Shondra Rhimes construction. It is a man's world in theory but a woman's world in perspective and the perspective so far is Alex has always been too immature for a relationship. He needs a girl who sees his inner child and wants to mother it. That is Jo, not Izzie or Rebecca orany of the countless nurses he had sex with as an intern. (Remembers the great VD scandal of old) Stephanie without Jackson is a shallow character. I fear her sleeping with Miranda's husband. I also have that same fear of Maggie. On Callie and Owen versus Amelia and Owen, Callie keeps choosing family life over career life while Amelia seems to be choosing career now over family. This is the Ellis issue that underlies every female doctor in the show: can you have both and do both well? So far only Miranda is succeeding there but she is getting wild as of late, givinga child AIDS and having a breakdown and now realizing that things happen with her child she has no idea happened. This is why I fear her husband will stray. She has had it too good.
ReplyDeleteI had never thought about Miranda's husband and Stephanie, that would be a good plot line. I still can't feel Alex and Jo, sorry, she does nothing for me, not interesting at all. Maybe there is just too many characters?? I really only care about a few? I don't know, I really enjoy your breakdown though, thank you!