According to people close to the matter, Fox had conversations with ABC Studios over the past weeks about ways to keep the show alive. While the series’s soft ratings performance pretty much rules it out as a in-season player on a major broadcast network, I hear the network offered a summer run, which comes with a reduced license fee. That economic model is very hard to make work on a high-end series that had been developed and budgeted for a standard network airing, so I hear the studio would not go through with that.
However, I hear ABC Studios executives, who have been passionate about the concept — developing it twice, first at ABC and then at Fox — didn’t throw in the towel and tried shopping the show to other outlets but couldn’t find a new home.
R.I.P RBS.Well,FOX tried,I am actually surprised FOX wanted to bring it back in any form.
ReplyDeleteThat's unfortunate.
ReplyDeleteThey should try to knock on CW's door. CW is preping a summer schedule so it could work.
ReplyDeleteIf airing in the summer doing FOX wasn't profitable enough, what makes you think it would suddenly be profitable in the CW summer?
ReplyDeleteAnything that goes over 0,4 is good for CW in the summer. The only thing that had good ratings for CW in the summer was Whose that line with 0,6. If RBS can hold around it's 0,9 it would be huge for CW.
ReplyDeleteThe thing is that there's no chance whatsoever that RBS is capable of doing the ratings it pulled on FOX, over at the CW.
ReplyDeleteWell, shoot. :(
ReplyDeleteLike Andrew said, ABC did not want to air in the summer since that would not be profitable for them.
ReplyDeleteAlso just because it got a 0.9 on FOX dies not mean it would get the same on CW.
This was one of the best new shows of the season. Too bad no one watched it. #RIP.
ReplyDeleteI know but as long as they are trying they could try to find a solution with CW. I know it doesn't have to pull off 0,9 on CW but you never know.
ReplyDeleteThe most interesting part of the story was that FOX tried to make ratings like Red Band Society work on their schedule. In years past, it would be an instant cancellation.
ReplyDeleteEither FOX has very little confidence in their development slate or they are going to renew everything, regardless of ratings. That's exactly what Reilly did and it was that catalyst that got FOX into their ratings slump.
I would say that Reilly did the opposite. He cancelled everything even shows that had a pulse such as Almost Human.
ReplyDeleteThat's why Fox was left with only 2 veteran dramas this pas fall: Sleepy Hollow (can that even be considered a veteran?) and Bones.
So this means it's 100% cancelled with no hope of coming back at all now?
ReplyDeleteGreat pilot, and subsequent episodes had several nice moments but the show was not able IMO to sustain the quality level of the pilot.
ReplyDeletethey tried. I would be happy if the show gets save...
ReplyDeleteAt least we'll get to watch to final three episodes. I just hope it offers some kind of resolution.
ReplyDeleteWell another Show goes to the Cancellation Bear Bon Apetite!
ReplyDeleteNot surprising but still sad to see another show with potential bite the dust so soon!Sigh!
ReplyDeleteStop looking around and put it in your home!! ABC Family is the best place for it. Rerun the first season and promote it a little and it could do 0.6-1.0
ReplyDeleteThe CW would NEVER air even one show of ABC-Studios because of their "running network-model".
ReplyDeleteThe network itself makes financial losses, the companies (CBS and Warner Bros) behind them can compensate those losses through international sales, DVDs, Online, Netflix/Hulu-Deal, but the only way that those "compensation" can work is if the shows on the network come from their own studios.
Wow if you really think that, then you are quite ignorant about him and what he exactly did at FOX. Years ago if FOX didn't want Almost Human they'd have dumped it after six episodes leaving the rest unaired. But they aired all the eps and simply made a decision that it was not in their best interest to move forward with it. Possibly a mistake but it's one even HBO makes so please stop acting like FOX is even the slightest more guilty of more wrongdoing than every other single network. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Fox is the most patient network now out of Big Four. Something which is super obvious when you look at the situation without hurt feelings involved.
ReplyDeleteI honestly don't care about Almost Human or any of the other shows Fox cancelled.
ReplyDeleteKevin Reilly was definitely not the most "patient" network exec, looking at his track record at Fox. But at the same time I think he was a great programmer.
He picked out all of Fox's current hits and many people will never recognize him for that.
He will only be remembered for the massive failures Fox has had the past 2 seasons.