Arrow: Laurel will go to Nyssa to ask for advice on whether she should tell her father or not? That seems kinda random. And is Nyssa going to train her? OK you got my attention writers lol
The Flash: It's weird; I'm a hardcore shipper and I ship Iris and Barry so much but honestly the last thing I care about right now is Barry's love life. That doesn't happen very often lol
BARRY AND CAITLIN!!! AAAAARGGGHH!!!!!! and on Arrow they better use the name BLACK Canary, Sara was The Canary and they need to respect it's bad enough that she's gone and no one will ever know that she helped save the city, they need to respect her name please
That would be terrible. I hope they don't do that. I don't want him to see her accidentally and figures out that Sara is dead on his own either. Poor guy, his daughter died (again) and now he has to see the other one walk the same path. He really can't catch a break!
TVD: Nothing new here. I really wish people would stop asking about Steroline. It should be obvious by now that the EPs have told us all they're going to tell us about that friendship or relationship, whatever it is.
Outlander: I can't wait to see the scene involving a baby. I really love the adventure that goes on in this show. The time period is fascinating, too.
Supernatural: I don't like Claire so much. I really liked her in season 4, even she was a better actress than right now. She's a brat. Castiel, Sam and Dean tried to save you and in change, you want to hurt Dean. The writers have ruined her character and is sad. She adds nothing to the story of Supernatural. The problem is that the writers don't know what to do with Castiel and his storyline. ''How to deal with her and how to be a father to her is very much Castiel's story right now.'' There's no need of this story in Supernatural. I love Castiel, but if he has no more storyline, there's no need either that Castiel appears in every episode of SPN. But I can't wait to see Dean and Sam tonight :D
Arrow: The more I watch the news of Arrow, more bores me. This third season does not seem the best, compared to the first and second seasons. Since Sarah died everything has been very boring for me, the best was the last scene of fighting of Oliver and Oliver telling Felicity ''I love you'', but it means nothing if they are not together for no reason. I can not stand Laurel, I'm sick of seeing that writers have to make a new origin of the heroine, yes or yes. I cannot stand to see the scenes in which she appears and Laurel working with them on the Team Arrow... I don't see it. Hope she doesn't think she's the boss, the substitute of Oliver. Even Oliver Queen has had to ''die'' for her to be Black Canary. This season is boring me very much, I hope it change a little more. It's so normal that they have to bring back Manu Bennett. The best villain in Arrow than the others.
I know and it's getting ridiculous. I've never been a conspiracy theorist when it comes to Sam. I've always thought he was just as important as Dean to this show. They're a two for one deal. This season is just a hot mess of who/what/when/where/WHY? I was ok with Cas in the beginning, but now I can do without him completely. There are no words for how useless Claire is to this show. I'd rather they do a story on Jesse and how the Antichrist is doing these days. I'm getting really irritated. I love Sam/Dean and Crowely. Cas in small doses but this Claire and Hannah BS talking scenes is just too damned much.
Glee- Umm musical debut? Coach Beiste has sang before. Or are they just talking about her with the glee kids??
TVD- Squeee! Thank you JP! Just don't drag it out until season 7.
The Flash - Squeee! I am so excited to see this play out. I want to see her awkwardness.
Arrow - That sounded like a whole bunch of sarcasm. I think it was done on purpose. But yeah, Quentin finds out while she's wearing a suit. Smmfh. I can just hear how that convo will go. Poor Quentin.
New Girl - This sounds hilarious. Can't wait to see them in business.
Supernatural - IDC about Claire, and i'm not liking this SL at all!!!!
(Laurel in front of Quentin, back turned to him, he calls out)
"Sara? Baby! Sara!" (Laurel turns around, Quentin squints for better view, Laurel comes closer).
"Hi Dad."
"Laurel? Where's Sara? Why are you wearing her clothes? What are you doing? What is this? Where's Sara???"
"Daddy (tears fall down cheeks)....Sara's....she's dead. (Starts I'm whining) i'm so sorry, i wanted to tell you, but couldn't."
"How long? (Quick pause) HOW LONG?!?!!!"
"3 Months. I...i I....wanted to get revenge, and I told mom I'd do w/e it takes-"
"Wait, wait, your mother knows about this?? You two kept this from me this long, now you're out here playing dress up? What did you think iI would never find out? And to find out this way? You betrayed me. You have no respect for me, or for Sara." (Walks away very heart broken and in anger.)
"Dad wait! Dad! Daddyyy pleaseee.!!"
"You don't get to call me that anymore. And tell your mother I never want to speak to her again."
Does the fact that I laughed at this make me a bad person? If something like that happened I will be heartbroken and so mad but the way you wrote it made me laugh.
Hahahaha no not at all. Probably b/c you can picture it in your head. I could've written a lot more, but I'm not trying to write a fanfic ATM. Lol Yea I really hope that doesn't happen, I will be soooooooooooooOoo pissed!
TVD-I'm dreading the moment Stefan will MAGICALLY realize his hidden love for caroline & fall for her.I cannot fathom the idea of this couple being together romantically. Than again,the creatives have found a perfect solution for clearing the way for the epic couple Delena.Who are we to stand between their awesome plans?!?
I mean as I was writing it, I wasn't laughing. But as you and Juliana laughed, I said, hold on, let me go back and see why they are laughing....and then i saw it. LOL
I don't have a problem with either of those characters but i do get where you're coming from.This season,sam really has taken a backseat & the way dean dominates sam in every way possible is ridiculous.But in all fairness,Sam was pretty much a central character in the earlier seasons.Everything was about sam,so as long as they balance it out with decent enough MOTW,i'm okay.
Stefan stopped being an obstacle for them ages time ago, he's practically not a main character anymore. Writing him as an Elena love interest at all would be sloppy writing on their part. Not hat I like Delena myself, but I doubt their popularity is as great as it was, if only because people know by now nothing is going to break them up permanent. Not that I would declare any jumping the shark moments for the show before now, but writing Stefan as a believable love interest or Elena would be one of them.
I don't think Steroline is going to happen - certainly not this season, if ever. For one thing the EPs have to leave some things up in the air for Season 7. Also, there doesn't seem to be any need to "clear the way" for Delena. I know, I know - Stefan told Lexi that Elena was the love of his life. But since then, what has he done to indicate that he wants to get back with Elena? He certainly hasn't jumped at the opportunity presented by Elena's compulsion. Of course he could be lying to himself ("denial" isn't just a river in Egypt), just plain clueless, or unable to handle a romantic relationship right now. But he's had a special friendship with Caroline ever since he helped her after she was turned. And that friendship hasn't been nurtured at all, let alone "feelings"" developing, since he thought Damon was gone and he withdrew from everyone, Caroline included. The friendship has to be repaired for its own sake before anything else can happen, I think. Then...nah, I still don't think there will be a Steroline.
"Sam's going to be dealing with someone his past but not in the way you think" - grossly misquoting Carver's IGN interview. You'd have to have no online -Supernatura l-related presence at all to NOT know Carver means 'de-aged Dean'.
Haha. I didn't think of that, but that's a good point. To take it one step further - there's speculation of JDM making a return appearance. Maybe Sam will have a flashback of John mistreating Dean so that he gets a better understanding of how wrong it was of him to get angry at Dean last season.
there's speculation of JDM making a return appearance. Maybe Sam will have a flashback of John mistreating Dean so that he gets a better understanding of how wrong it was of him to get angry at Dean last season.
I don’t think that Jeffrey Dean Morgan would ever came back for a scenario like that. Entertainment Weekly quoted him as saying, “Yes, I would go back if they asked me. My stance always is I would love to come back. In fact, they have trashed John so f–king much on that show that I would like to come back just to set the record straight the real way,” and “I’m not that bad of a dad. I saved my kids. I went to hell to save my kids. How bad can I be, people? But there are a couple of story lines that I’d like to resolve and more importantly those people mean a lot to me. Jensen [Ackles] introduced me to [girlfriend and White Collar star Hilarie Burton] and they’re family, so it’d be fun to go back. But I don’t think it will ever happen.”
Ha Ha, Back Atcha! I didn't think of that one. But after 10.09's emotional "Ode to John Winchester" moment in the bar scene with Dean relating a 'Dad' tale to Cas and Sam I kind of doubt it. But then again, the writers like to give us whiplash in terms of how they (and we're to) view Papa Winchester.
OK, maybe I'm taking it too far to assume that John would be abusive in the flashback, but my money's still on John's appearance being related to Sam coming to better understand and appreciate Dean.
And ruefully Carver even hints that Claire might be back "because we're not finished with her story". I'll be gobsmacked if part of 10.10's ending does not include a Claire and Dean bonding moment that's almost certain "to be continued" if the show brings back Claire.
It’s definitely possible that they would come up with an angle that would make it look like Sam had ditched his brother for college even though Dean had always sacrificed everything for his family and he had tried to keep the family together and how hard Dean’s life had been because of his demanding father.
I hate Carver. I can't count the ways that I hate Carver. I hope and pray he moves on at the end of the season and they bring back an old face or two to take over. Not Robbie and not Adam.
I agree with you sadly on all points stefan.I'm just curious,why did they ignore stefan's character so much so that he became a background character now-a-days?Is it coz ian is hotter and more famous than paul or the entire creative teams drools over him?Keep in mind,i have nothing against ian but just curious.What's your take on this?
I do, too, but he might stay through S11 if the Frequency pilot isn't picked to series or if is. NBC and CW can't work out an agreement to have Carver showrun on different networks. I'd rather get Kripke back if Carver goes.
no idea really, but I would go with fan service though. As I'm aware that the producers like to cater to specific actors they like though, going as far as to keep characters on as regulars that have no need to be.
Not that I am really a fan of how Steroline has been written, I remember reading a spoiler that mentioned a long awaited steamy hook up, but knowing these writers they actually might of been refering to Delena.
I agree with you, John. When have we ever seen Stefan get "steamy" with a woman? Katherine was in charge in bed when Stefan was an inexperienced teenager; the sexiest part of his hook-up with Rebekah was... Rebekah; and he was in bed with Ivy but we saw no sex. As far as the love of his life, Elena - from a female point of view I have to say that I never saw or felt any sparks fly between them in bed. Their "bed time" was just... kind of sweet.
NOTE: Name-calling, personal attacks, spamming, excessive self-promotion, condescending pomposity, general assiness, racism, sexism, any-other-ism, homophobia, acrophobia, and destructive (versus constructive) criticism will get you BANNED from the party.
It's time Quentin finds out about Sara, ugh. Is Nyssa back before 3x15? Because that would be something to be excited about.
ReplyDeleteArrow: Laurel will go to Nyssa to ask for advice on whether she should tell her father or not? That seems kinda random. And is Nyssa going to train her? OK you got my attention writers lol
ReplyDeleteThe Flash: It's weird; I'm a hardcore shipper and I ship Iris and Barry so much but honestly the last thing I care about right now is Barry's love life. That doesn't happen very often lol
BARRY AND CAITLIN!!! AAAAARGGGHH!!!!!! and on Arrow they better use the name BLACK Canary, Sara was The Canary and they need to respect it's bad enough that she's gone and no one will ever know that she helped save the city, they need to respect her name please
ReplyDeleteHTGAWM: I thought that Asher/Bonnie was a night stand thing, that would be really funny to watch.
ReplyDeleteGlee: Ohhhhh i wanna see that.
I just hope they dont have Laurel taking off her mask in front of him.
ReplyDeleteAnd tells him it's me dad; Sara is dead?
ReplyDeleteI cannot tell you how much I DO NOT CARE about Claire on Supernatural. Why are they wasting screen time on this pointless story and character?
ReplyDeletethey like to torture Quentin.
ReplyDeleteThat would be terrible. I hope they don't do that. I don't want him to see her accidentally and figures out that Sara is dead on his own either. Poor guy, his daughter died (again) and now he has to see the other one walk the same path. He really can't catch a break!
ReplyDeleteTVD: Nothing new here. I really wish people would stop asking about Steroline. It should be obvious by now that the EPs have told us all they're going to tell us about that friendship or relationship, whatever it is.
ReplyDeleteOutlander: I can't wait to see the scene involving a baby. I really love the adventure that goes on in this show. The time period is fascinating, too.
Supernatural: I don't like Claire so much. I really liked her in season 4, even she was a better actress than right now. She's a brat. Castiel, Sam and Dean tried to save you and in change, you want to hurt Dean. The writers have ruined her character and is sad. She adds nothing to the story of Supernatural. The problem is that the writers don't know what to do with Castiel and his storyline. ''How to deal with her and how to be a father to her is very much Castiel's story right now.'' There's no need of this story in Supernatural. I love Castiel, but if he has no more storyline, there's no need either that Castiel appears in every episode of SPN. But I can't wait to see Dean and Sam tonight :D
ReplyDeleteArrow: The more I watch the news of Arrow, more bores me. This third season does not seem the best, compared to the first and second seasons. Since Sarah died everything has been very boring for me, the best was the last scene of fighting of Oliver and Oliver telling Felicity ''I love you'', but it means nothing if they are not together for no reason. I can not stand Laurel, I'm sick of seeing that writers have to make a new origin of the heroine, yes or yes. I cannot stand to see the scenes in which she appears and Laurel working with them on the Team Arrow... I don't see it. Hope she doesn't think she's the boss, the substitute of Oliver. Even Oliver Queen has had to ''die'' for her to be Black Canary. This season is boring me very much, I hope it change a little more. It's so normal that they have to bring back Manu Bennett. The best villain in Arrow than the others.
amazing since a main character hasnt even been given a storyline. There have been no spoilers for Sam and no interviews have mentioned him.
ReplyDeleteI know and it's getting ridiculous. I've never been a conspiracy theorist when it comes to Sam. I've always thought he was just as important as Dean to this show. They're a two for one deal. This season is just a hot mess of who/what/when/where/WHY? I was ok with Cas in the beginning, but now I can do without him completely. There are no words for how useless Claire is to this show. I'd rather they do a story on Jesse and how the Antichrist is doing these days. I'm getting really irritated. I love Sam/Dean and Crowely. Cas in small doses but this Claire and Hannah BS talking scenes is just too damned much.
ReplyDeleteGlee- Umm musical debut? Coach Beiste has sang before. Or are they just talking about her with the glee kids??
ReplyDeleteTVD- Squeee! Thank you JP! Just don't drag it out until season 7.
The Flash - Squeee! I am so excited to see this play out. I want to see her awkwardness.
Arrow - That sounded like a whole bunch of sarcasm. I think it was done on purpose. But yeah, Quentin finds out while she's wearing a suit. Smmfh. I can just hear how that convo will go. Poor Quentin.
New Girl - This sounds hilarious. Can't wait to see them in business.
Supernatural - IDC about Claire, and i'm not liking this SL at all!!!!
I can see it now...
ReplyDelete(Laurel in front of Quentin, back turned to him, he calls out)
"Sara? Baby! Sara!" (Laurel turns around, Quentin squints for better view, Laurel comes closer).
"Hi Dad."
"Laurel? Where's Sara? Why are you wearing her clothes? What are you doing? What is this? Where's Sara???"
"Daddy (tears fall down cheeks)....Sara's....she's dead. (Starts I'm whining) i'm so sorry, i wanted to tell you, but couldn't."
"How long? (Quick pause) HOW LONG?!?!!!"
"3 Months. I...i I....wanted to get revenge, and I told mom I'd do w/e it takes-"
"Wait, wait, your mother knows about this?? You two kept this from me this long, now you're out here playing dress up? What did you think iI would never find out? And to find out this way? You betrayed me. You have no respect for me, or for Sara." (Walks away very heart broken and in anger.)
"Dad wait! Dad! Daddyyy pleaseee.!!"
"You don't get to call me that anymore. And tell your mother I never want to speak to her again."
Yeahhh, this will be awesome. = /
Does the fact that I laughed at this make me a bad person? If something like that happened I will be heartbroken and so mad but the way you wrote it made me laugh.
ReplyDeleteif you're a bad person we are going to be neighbours in hell, 'cause I laughed out loud at this.
ReplyDeleteThat's reassuring hahaha
ReplyDeleteHahahaha no not at all. Probably b/c you can picture it in your head. I could've written a lot more, but I'm not trying to write a fanfic ATM. Lol Yea I really hope that doesn't happen, I will be soooooooooooooOoo pissed!
ReplyDeleteTVD-I'm dreading the moment Stefan will MAGICALLY realize his hidden love for caroline & fall for her.I cannot fathom the idea of this couple being together romantically.
ReplyDeleteThan again,the creatives have found a perfect solution for clearing the way for the epic couple Delena.Who are we to stand between their awesome plans?!?
ReplyDeleteYeah I played the whole scene in my head haha. The good old days lol. Same here.
ReplyDeleteI mean as I was writing it, I wasn't laughing. But as you and Juliana laughed, I said, hold on, let me go back and see why they are laughing....and then i saw it. LOL
ReplyDeleteExactly! I knew you didn't mean for it to be funny at all that's why I asked lol
ReplyDeleteYeah, not at all. I really didn't. Lol
ReplyDeleteI believe you hahahaha
ReplyDeleteYou know who would be great in that scene? Lyla lol
welcome to the world of being a Sam fan. No one is safe unless their name is Saint Dean.
ReplyDeleteCas and Crowley need to be better used. Sam needs to be used period.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a problem with either of those characters but i do get where you're coming from.This season,sam really has taken a backseat & the way dean dominates sam in every way possible is ridiculous.But in all fairness,Sam was pretty much a central character in the earlier seasons.Everything was about sam,so as long as they balance it out with decent enough MOTW,i'm okay.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on Steroline.
ReplyDeleteStefan stopped being an obstacle for them ages time ago, he's practically not a main character anymore. Writing him as an Elena love interest at all would be sloppy writing on their part. Not hat I like Delena myself, but I doubt their popularity is as great as it was, if only because people know by now nothing is going to break them up permanent. Not that I would declare any jumping the shark moments for the show before now, but writing Stefan as a believable love interest or Elena would be one of them.
ReplyDeleteOr Castiel. Carver loves Castiel just as much and Claire, too, and implied we may see more of Claire. Gun...Mouth... Now.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Steroline is going to happen - certainly not this season, if ever. For one thing the EPs have to leave some things up in the air for Season 7. Also, there doesn't seem to be any need to "clear the way" for Delena. I know, I know - Stefan told Lexi that Elena was the love of his life. But since then, what has he done to indicate that he wants to get back with Elena? He certainly hasn't jumped at the opportunity presented by Elena's compulsion. Of course he could be lying to himself ("denial" isn't just a river in Egypt), just plain clueless, or unable to handle a romantic relationship right now. But he's had a special friendship with Caroline ever since he helped her after she was turned. And that friendship hasn't been nurtured at all, let alone "feelings"" developing, since he thought Damon was gone and he withdrew from everyone, Caroline included. The friendship has to be repaired for its own sake before anything else can happen, I think. Then...nah, I still don't think there will be a Steroline.
ReplyDelete"Sam's going to be dealing with someone his past but not in the way you think" - grossly misquoting Carver's IGN interview. You'd have to have no online -Supernatura l-related presence at all to NOT know Carver means 'de-aged Dean'.
ReplyDeleteHaha. I didn't think of that, but that's a good point. To take it one step further - there's speculation of JDM making a return appearance. Maybe Sam will have a flashback of John mistreating Dean so that he gets a better understanding of how wrong it was of him to get angry at Dean last season.
ReplyDeletethere's speculation of JDM making a return appearance. Maybe Sam will have a flashback of John mistreating Dean so that he gets a better understanding of how wrong it was of him to get angry at Dean last season.
ReplyDeleteI don’t think that Jeffrey Dean Morgan would ever came back for a scenario like that. Entertainment Weekly quoted him as saying, “Yes, I would go back if they asked me. My stance always is I would love to come back. In fact, they have trashed John so f–king much on that show that I would like to come back just to set the record straight the real way,” and “I’m not that bad of a dad. I saved my kids. I went to hell to save my kids. How bad can I be, people? But there are a couple of story lines that I’d like to resolve and more importantly those people mean a lot to me. Jensen [Ackles] introduced me to [girlfriend and White Collar star Hilarie Burton] and they’re family, so it’d be fun to go back. But I don’t think it will ever happen.”
Hahahaha Yeah Lyla would definitely have some words.
ReplyDeleteHa Ha, Back Atcha! I didn't think of that one. But after 10.09's emotional "Ode to John Winchester" moment in the bar scene with Dean relating a 'Dad' tale to Cas and Sam I kind of doubt it. But then again, the writers like to give us whiplash in terms of how they (and we're to) view Papa Winchester.
ReplyDeleteOK, maybe I'm taking it too far to assume that John would be abusive in the flashback, but my money's still on John's appearance being related to Sam coming to better understand and appreciate Dean.
ReplyDeleteAnd ruefully Carver even hints that Claire might be back "because we're not finished with her story". I'll be gobsmacked if part of 10.10's ending does not include a Claire and Dean bonding moment that's almost certain "to be continued" if the show brings back Claire.
ReplyDeleteIt’s definitely possible that they would come up with an angle that would make it look like Sam had ditched his brother for college even though Dean had always sacrificed everything for his family and he had tried to keep the family together and how hard Dean’s life had been because of his demanding father.
ReplyDeleteI hate Carver. I can't count the ways that I hate Carver. I hope and pray he moves on at the end of the season and they bring back an old face or two to take over. Not Robbie and not Adam.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you sadly on all points stefan.I'm just curious,why did they ignore stefan's character so much so that he became a background character now-a-days?Is it coz ian is hotter and more famous than paul or the entire creative teams drools over him?Keep in mind,i have nothing against ian but just curious.What's your take on this?
ReplyDeleteI sure hope you're right.
ReplyDeleteI do, too, but he might stay through S11 if the Frequency pilot isn't picked to series or if is. NBC and CW can't work out an agreement to have Carver showrun on different networks. I'd rather get Kripke back if Carver goes.
ReplyDeleteno idea really, but I would go with fan service though. As I'm aware that the producers like to cater to specific actors they like though, going as far as to keep characters on as regulars that have no need to be.
ReplyDeleteNot that I am really a fan of how Steroline has been written, I remember reading a spoiler that mentioned a long awaited steamy hook up, but knowing these writers they actually might of been refering to Delena.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, John. When have we ever seen Stefan get "steamy" with a woman? Katherine was in charge in bed when Stefan was an inexperienced teenager; the sexiest part of his hook-up with Rebekah was... Rebekah; and he was in bed with Ivy but we saw no sex. As far as the love of his life, Elena - from a female point of view I have to say that I never saw or felt any sparks fly between them in bed. Their "bed time" was just... kind of sweet.