Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon CSI: Cyber - Episode 1.01 - 1.03 - Synopsis

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CSI: Cyber - Episode 1.01 - 1.03 - Synopsis

22 Dec 2014

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Episode 1.01 - Kidnapping 2.0

Special Agent Avery Ryan and her team analyze cyber evidence when a string of infant abductions leads them to an auction site hidden in the deep web.

Episode 1.02 - CMND:/CRASH

Ryan and her Cyber team investigate when a rollercoaster crash appears to have been caused by someone hacking into the ride’s internal computer.

Episode 1.03 - Fire Code

Ryan and her team are alerted to a new cyber threat when they discover that arsonists have a new, less traceable way to start fires in homes – by hacking into the owners’ printers and laptops via a software patch.



  1. Wow, that case for episode 3 sounds just a tiny little bit unrealistic.

  2. I'm going to watch this even though I don't watch CSI

  3. I am wondering when they will talk the way of having laptop batteries overheat and explode from a hack?

  4. Think this show is about Ryan and her team! Am I wrong?

  5. I don't watch CSI, but this one sounds real interesting so I may give it a shot.

  6. what episode they "recycled"?

  7. everyoneissleeping22 December 2014 at 23:05

    Episode 3?

  8. Shelby T Mitchell23 December 2014 at 07:00

    First CSI show that will have Cyber and also FBI as usually it is about the local police department.

  9. I'm so excited for this series!!

  10. Shelby T Mitchell6 January 2015 at 01:13

    Hope that it is a hit like the other CSI shows were and are!

  11. Daniel unrealistic is what they Aim for


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