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POLL : What did you think of Scorpion - Father's Day?

4 Nov 2014

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  1. Good episode tonight. Well balanced with the case of the week and the personal storyline. The one-liners rocked tonight.

  2. another great episode!

  3. It was great to see how Walter met Cabe. I liked that Happy reached out to her Dad even if she didn't introduce herself. It is good to see the characters develop as the series grows.

  4. The flashbacks were the best part, the bullshit unrealistic technowhiz crap more than muted those though. Still, better than most of the season's episodes so far

  5. liked the episode but don't like drew the SOB left them and he thinks he can just come back like nothing happened, liked the flashbacks with walter and cabe

  6. Another good episode. It was interesting how everyone on the team personalized their own experiences into Ralph meeting his father. Hard to believe that Happy of all people was the only one who put the situation into perspective from Ralph's point of view. It might go well ... it might go badly for Ralph to have contact with his father, but at least it will put an end to the wondering of if and when the man will return. Hopefully, Ralph can move in a more positive direction after seeing Drew.

    Okay, if Paige is going to be part of the team, she has got to contribute more than was she is presently. Right now, she is pretty much a babysitter who stands by in the background. Train her for a skillset that the team is lacking. What comes to mind is getting her defensive and/or firearm experience because how many times has the team ducked behind some unsafe barrier while bullets fly by? Pagie doesn't need to be a genius, but she needs to be an effective and active member of Scorpion.

    I just couldn't help but swoon over the the warden played by Keith David. He is my favorite voice actor ever. My all time favorite role of Mr. Keith's was the work he did on Gargoyles as Goliath. I continue to be in awe of this man.

  7. everyoneissleeping6 November 2014 at 01:22

    I loved the flashbacks. The relationship between Walter and
    Cabe is my favourite part of the show.

  8. Really enjoyed this episode, and already feeling invested in the characters. <3 Love Sylvester, Toby and Paige especially altho Happy def growing on me. Still think Walter needs to lighten up a little.


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