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Gotham – Penguin’s Umbrella – Advance Preview

3 Nov 2014

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James Gordon’s life might be going to hell in Monday’s “Gotham,” but his pain is our pleasure as “Penguin’s Umbrella” is probably the series’ strongest hour to date.

It’s a streamlined installment, smartly setting aside the procedural case of the week (which, if you’ve been reading my reviews, tends to be the part of the show I like the least) and focusing solely on the strife between the Falcone and Maroni crime families and the ripple effect the reveal that the Penguin is still alive has on them, and on our friends at the GCPD. In fact, it almost feels like a season finale for the show’s first arc, with Gordon’s decision to spare Oswald’s life having led all the characters to this crossroad.

Their reactions run the gamut. Falcone, as ever, has his eye on the status quo. Fish, of course, is more freaked out because Oswald knows too much about her plans to overthrow Falcone. Maroni, meanwhile, is enjoying the moment, convinced that Oswald is a “golden goose” who will win him his war against Falcone, even as members of his crew are starting to get concerned about the influence the Penguin has on him. Gordon, while troubled about the targets he’s put on Bullock and particularly Barbara, is resolute in doing the right thing now that he has the chance. And Penguin, well, he’s just watching everyone pivot around him and making moves accordingly.

Whatever their personal motives, the stakes are raised for everyone, it feels like anything can happen with so many cards on the table, and it makes for some entertaining television. Alliances are exposed, alliances are formed. Characters are threatened, are wounded, are killed. There’s a rip-roaring action set piece at the precinct (which introduces Batman baddie Victor Zsasz to the show), nice character moments (Zabryna Guevara gets a great little scene with Gordon where Essen shares her stance on Gotham), and some dark humor effectively sprinkled in (one hilarious scene has lackeys on both sides of the mob conflict bantering about proper procedure like cubemates complaining about the printer). Even the obligatory Bruce interlude has more heft to it this week. And while he’s still ankle-deep in the quicksand that is Gotham at the end of the episode, Gordon takes some steps towards his destiny as a stalwart leader for the city’s good guys.

Last but certainly not least, keep an eye out for the object that gives the episode its name. Its appearance sets up a scene that will shed new light on what we’ve seen so far and set up what’s next to come. I for one can’t wait as I think the show is hitting a stride.

“Penguin’s Umbrella,” the first “Gotham” of November sweeps, airs this Monday on FOX. Until then, be sure to share your speculations in the comments section.


  1. did the episode make it seem like Zsasz will be a recurring villain or just a one-off episode villain since apparently he's big in the batman mythology and is there more foreshadowing with bruce and did you like his scenes

  2. Good preview, looking forward to this one.

  3. I agree with your preview, I think it's hitting it's stride I'm so excited can't wait to see this episode, penguin is going to shine!!!

  4. Sounds awesome.

    A few questions:

    1) Does Montoya FINALLY realize that she and Gordon are on the same side?

    2) Do Fish and Penguin come face-to-face in this episode?

    3) Do we find out the significance (if any) of what Catwoman stole from the Wayne mansion?

  5. Thanks for reading!

  6. I'll say this about Zsasz, he's a good fit for the world of the show.

    And I did like the Bruce scenes this week.

    Thanks for reading!

  7. C'mon that would spoil all the fun lol! I will say the answer to at least one of your question is yes.

    Thanks for reading!

  8. Robin Lord Taylor definitely continues to shine in this role.

    Thanks for reading and commenting!

  9. Is Selina in this episode at all?

  10. My pleasure, I'm glad wer're here together to enjoy this awesome show!!!!!!

  11. with all the regular villains on the show: cobbelpot, mooney,etc. can Zsasz stand toe-to-toe with them

  12. What's different about Zsasz, at least so far, is that he's fine where he is. He's not grabbing for power like Oswald and Fish are.

  13. There'll be at least one dead body before all's said and done.

  14. I'm glad the show is concluding the "Is the Penguin dead or not?" arc. I thought they were going to starch it out. I can't wait to see Fish's reaction when she finds out Oswald is alive.
    Also the last two episodes have been great so it's good to know this episode will continue that way.

  15. Agreed, I think Penguin secretly being alive and the MCU investigating Gordon for his "murder" lasted about the right amount of time.


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