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The Vampire Diaries - Season 6 - Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev Interview

1 Oct 2014

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Elena Gilbert has lost a lot of loved ones in the past five seasons. Not only did The Vampire Diaries start with the death of her adoptive parents, but from there, she lost friends, an aunt, birth parents, a caregiver, and her brother. But in the season 5 finale, she experienced a new sort of loss when Damon, the man she loved, died.

However, as fans of the show now know, Damon might have died, but he is by no means gone. (And the same goes for Bonnie.) So where we will we find Damon and Elena when we pick back up for season 6? Physically, they’re in two very different places. And emotionally? Well, the same rules apply.

For Elena, college life is full of the grief that comes from believing you’ve lost your boyfriend, your best friend, and your hometown forever. That being said, it might not be the type of grief you expect. “We do fast forward four months, so the initial shock grieving, we’ve already surpassed,” Nina Dobrev said. “Now we’re seeing the second phase of it, which is eerily deceiving and odd. It’s not a very conventional way of dealing with grief.”

From the promos, fans know that Dobrev is at least in part referring to Elena taking some sort of witchy drug to hallucinate Damon. But back in the real world, whose shoulder will she lean on now that Stefan’s missing in action? “Caroline is a rock, and Alaric’s back, so she does have the two of them,” Dobrev said. “But she’s also in a way shut them out a little bit as well.”

And thanks to the lingering effects of the Travelers’ Spell, we know that Elena (and all vampires) are no longer able to enter Mystic Falls, which makes it difficult for Elena to check on younger brother Jeremy, who remains in town with Matt and Tyler. “He’s in Mystic Falls and he’s going through his own grieving, so they’re still in touch, but he’s shutting her out a little bit and going through his own process. And she can’t really be there for him all that much,” Dobrev said. “There’s only so much she can do from where she is and she’s in her own world. She’s trying, but there definitely is a bit of a disconnect between them.”


  1. aaaaaaand I'm less excited for the premiere.

    There I thought the girl could leave a toxic relationship like this but nope, abuser has a mental hold on her worse than I ever believed. Hate the message this show is sending

  2. Lol Mac, did you not see the promos? Elena's still as codependent, emotionally damaged and lost as always.

  3. nope, I only saw the promo poster and the clip featuring Alaric/Tyler/Liv.

    DAMNIT, this is going to be a tough year to get through.

    It's just so weird to see how the show has shifted from a well balanced mystery-romance to a full blown romance kinda advocating the "mentally caged houswife" syndrome

  4. Yeah it is weird when that happens. To be fair though romance was always at the heart of The Vampire Diaries, albeit less horrible written and obnoxious ( that's more of an issue for me than the morality of it). If it weren't for Stefan and Alaric I'm positive I'd have dropped it a while back.

  5. How is Damon abusive??? Their relationship is only "toxic" because they love each other SO MUCH that they r willing to do anything for each other, that they will keep the other safe at all costs and that their hearts break when the other hurts them. Yes they r dependant on each other but who doesn't depend on the one that they love? Damon & Elena were friends before they got together, so not only do they have an incredibly passionate and fulfilling love life, but they r also best friends!!! I think that Damon & Elena r so much better together than her & Stefan. Just look at Stefan & Elena's first real kiss....and then look at Damon & Elena's first real kiss (that hot scene at the hotel in Colorado that was literally explosive it was so sexy)!!! Then look at the first time Stefan & Elena had sex....then the first time Damon & Elena had sex!!!! Damon & Elena r by far the better couple!!! Damon is not abusive by any means, he's very protective of her. He won't let anyone hurt her....he will "always choose her", as he has said many times. Not to mention, Damon is gorgeous, he's sexy, he is enough of a bad boy without treating his girl like shit, he dresses well, he's smooth....he's everything I could want!!! Damn, that guy is FINE!!! Yes, Ian Somerhalder is very hot....but Ian as Damon Salvatore??? He's PERFECTION!!!

  6. lolwut?
    You're trolling right? Please tell me you are

  7. Because I disagree that Damon is "abusive" I'm "trolling"??? I just didn't agree with ur comment! Damon is the best part of the show (not the Damon & Elena relationship only, just everything about Damon & his character!! He's freaking hot, he can be a total d*ck in a hilarious way, he's sarcastic & funny....I think that 90% of the fans of TVD would say that Damon is their favorite on the show! I wasn't trying to stir anything up or pods anyone off, I just disagree with u, saying he's abusive to Elena....I can't think of even 1 instance of when he was abusive to her!! So its just me disagreeing with u as u obviously disagree with me!!!

  8. LOL don't want to get into this due to your user name and you are probably really young but although I don't think this show cares about morality, Damon has raped and abused Caroline and Damon has killed Elena`s brother multiple times because she wouldn`t make out with him or because he thought they broke up. That's pretty abusive to me lol. But whatever , it's not like Stefan is perfect either :)

  9. I'm not very young, at all actually. Yes, Damon can be a total a**hole, but that's why I love him....cuz its a SHOW, its not real. He never raped Caroline, she was ALL ABOUT IT!!! She wanted him bad, she just didn't want to be bitten by him!! But there was never a rape. Yes, he has killed a lot of ppl, but, um....he's a VAMPIRE!!! And I never said that Damon has never abused anyone on the show and that he's an angel....what I said was that Damon doesn't abuse Elena!! He has never hurt her except for the 1 time that he bit her when he was hallucinating from Tyler's bite and he thought Elena was Katherine, feeding him her blood in 1864. But other than that, he has never hurt Elena. Stefan practically ripped open her neck because of Klaus!!! Damon has never hurt her....that was my whole point.

  10. alright let's define rape: rape is sexual intercourse that happens without the consent of one party involved.
    Damon compelled Caroline to do his bidding, thus she never gave the consent into sexual intercourse beyond their first sexual interaction (wich she gave her constent to).

    So yes, per definition it was rape.

    Also: abuse isn't always physical. It can also be mental.

    In Elenas case Damon sent a clear message: "Leave me or I'll kill people you care about". This creates dependancy and can also be couted as mental abuse (that merely being one of the many examples, he pulled worse shit than that)

    I don't see arguing really having a point with you, your argument of Damon being hot thus being entertaining and redeemable gave me the rest.

    Damon hasn't hurt Elena?
    So killing her brother and legal guardian doesen't count as hurting someone?

    I'm not going to get technical but the classic "fiction mirrors our deepest wishes" saying is really creeping me out combined with your arguments.

  11. Wow, u do realize this IS just a tv show, right?? As I have said many times, if Damon was a real person that I came in contact with in my life, I would not like the guy.....but since he is a fictional character on a fictional tv show about vampires, I love him!!! Of COURSE my favorite character on a tv show will be the one who entertains me the most!!! Why would my favorite character be a boring wall flower?!? And Damon never compelled Caroline to have sex with him....he compelled her to do just about everything else, but not to have sex with him. In fact, they only showed them having sex once, and it was Caroline who brought him home. My "mindset" has not been "damaged beyond repair", I just enjoy an entertaining show!! If u have such a problem with TVD and its fans, then why do u watch it? Why do u search for articles about TVD on the internet and then waste ur time posting comments about it??? My "deepest desire" is not to have a vampire boyfriend who kills ppl....but ONE of my desires is to enjoy a show that I find entertaining, while not taking it so seriously that I worry about the fans "mindsets" and their "deepest desires"....the show is funny, its messed up and its entertaining!!! That's all I want!!! However, if it bothers u as much as u say, perhaps u should stick with Sesame Street or Sponge Bob or something....I guarantee that u won't have to worry about the mesg those shows r sending out to their viewers!!! :-)

  12. " I'm not going to get technical but the classic "fiction mirrors our
    deepest wishes" saying is really creeping me out combined with your

    Fiction does mirror deepest wishes - why do you think so many women are crazy about Fifty Shades of Grey? :P ;) :)

    *runs away to safety cackling madly*

  13. Please don't take this personally but the content of your post is enough to make quite a nice case study for students of psychology.

  14. Delena has been so forced they turned Elena into a character I can't recognize.

  15. And Sociology, Women and Gender Studies in particular.

  16. Because back when she was staying with the guy who stalked her for months, threw her into walls and punched the space next to her head, threatened to murder her in the place where her parents died, etc. and calling that guy the "perfect boyfriend" was an A+ message to send?

    TVD: sending questionable messages since day 1
    TVD fandom: only caring about those messages when it's expedient, also since day 1.

  17. I REALLY wanted to use her posts for media psychology, but I have written 4 essays involving the TVD fandom already, at some point I think it's enough :/

  18. Yes make sure to say in ur 5th TVD essay that over and over again I have stated that its just a show and I watch tv to be entertained....I don't know what u watch it for...but if a show and a character is not entertaining, why the hell would I watch it??? Have fun writing ur essay and insulting ppl on comment boards for a show that u don't even like!!! I don't understand why ppl like u even comment or read these articles, if its all just "so beneath u". It's a show about vampires for christs sake!!! Of COURSE its gonna be messed up....of COURSE its going to have messed up characters!!! Knowing the difference between entertaining fiction and real life isn't too difficult!!


NOTE: Name-calling, personal attacks, spamming, excessive self-promotion, condescending pomposity, general assiness, racism, sexism, any-other-ism, homophobia, acrophobia, and destructive (versus constructive) criticism will get you BANNED from the party.