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POLL : What did you think of Girl Meets World - Girl Meets Smackle?

13 Sept 2014

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  1. Ben did a great job directing. And LOL at Topanga basically asking if everyone follows her and Cory's example in relationships. The end with all of them was also pretty sweet.

  2. awesome job at directing ben, and lol at topanga about her realization about her and cory and lmao at her saying she married feeny, finally at farkle becoming a regular not in the opening but he's credited after the cold open, loved lucas talking about how other people see him and how he sees himself and the end of the episode with farkle realizing he loved riley and maya not because they're beautiful but for who they are, great episode

  3. That was an awesome episode.

    I loved how this episode debated whether beauty is skin deep or not. The show does a great job with teaching life lessons to their viewers.

    Smackle was surprisingly hilarious. I hope she comes back because she was great. I like that Lucas is not only focused on sports but also on his academics in school.

    I died laughing when Topanga said "Oh no, I married Feeny" and "I wonder how many lives the idea of Cory and Topanga have ruined". Definitely the best lines this season so far!

    Awww, Farkle was incredibly sweet when he said to Maya and Riley "They're beautiful? I never really noticed".


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