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Star-Crossed - Creator Meredith Averill details season 2+ plans

24 May 2014

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Zap2it: The humans aren't dead, right?
Averill: When you see everyone passed out at the end, it's just from the reaction to that pulse being sent out. Some of them are knocked out -- Emery, the crowd at Mardi Gras -- but none of them are dead. [Not even Grayson, who was shot in the finale.]

Well, some people are dead.
There were two casualties at the end of the finale. Zoe is most definitely dead, and also unfortunately Taylor and Drake's baby would've been a casualty as a result of that car accident. And, actually, the Mudbug would have suffered some damage as well, which actually is part of what would've been a very cool Lukas story for us going into Season 2.


  1. Christopher DeBono24 May 2014 at 05:05

    I like how the CW really pushed Romery and they weren't even planned to end up together...

  2. really? They didn't plan to have Romery as endgame? Well, I'm glad we were not forced to get to the end of season 7 to find it out....

  3. In a way I'm glad the show ended after reading this.

  4. The rest is all very interesting but the thing that sticks with me is: why on earth would they take so much time and effort to hint at Roman and Emery as ment to be for the show it that wasn't their plan? They called the show fricking Star-Crossed for crying out loud!
    In my opinion one of the biger reasons the show failed was that annoying love triangle, if they wanted to play it cool and say like "we are super original, we hint at this but there's a twist and we do that, we're sooo coool".
    I'm not mad they didn't want Romery I'm mad they ruined what could have been a much better show with a pairing they didn't even want to follow through. They deserve to be cancelled seriously, I may be talking in the heat of having just read that cause in the end it's just a TV show but to me it's just a pitty to waste potential like that.

  5. My thoughts exactly.

  6. Christopher DeBono24 May 2014 at 06:43

    The love triangle most likely wasn't originally planned.

    At one of the conventions before the show aired, the creators mentioned that they were told to add in more romance which was the reason for the name change (from 'Oxygen' to 'Star-Crossed'). I assume adding in the love triangle came with that along with downplaying the other elements.

    Compare the summary for Oxygen and Star-Crossed:

    Passion and politics threaten the peace and an epic romance ignites between a human girl and an alien boy when he and eight others of his kind (The Orion 9) are integrated into a suburban high school 10 years after they and hundreds of others landed on Earth and were immediately consigned to an internment camp where they’ve been imprisoned ever since.

    Set in the near-future in 2024, the series follows an epic romance between a human girl and an alien boy when he and six others of his kind are integrated into a suburban high school 10 years after they landed on Earth and were consigned to an internment camp.

    Oxygen sounded a lot better (and with less romance) then what we ended up getting.

  7. Then that was an awful choice, focusing on that killed it for me, I'm of the opinion that even if some people watch shows specially for fandom I think most like to have a well written couple of wel written characters, so puting that in just for the sake of promoting it doesn't convince anyone.

  8. Same. And it just gave me a permanent reason to not catch up on the series.

  9. Well star-crossed does refer to two lovers who whether by circumstance or what have you are not fated to be. Hence the origin being from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. In hindsight it is a dead give away and fitting title.

  10. I actually like the sound of that. Their plans for season two sound intriguing and I think the show would have been VERY different than it was in season one. Less high school drama, more about alien invasion and government threats, which sounds like a proper grown up show (and is possibly one of the reasons why it had no place on the CW).

    The thing that annoys me is that they planned to drag the love triangle (quadrangle) through for seasons on end, "going back and forth". Urgh, why?! :(

  11. I said the same thing after I read what they were going to do with Lukas and turning Emery into Katniss and the sector into district 13, and the other storylines they had no originality at all and even though I was on team Pacey the fact that thet tried to build the whole series on the epicness of their love and that they're destined to be together while they're not going to be endgame really annoyed me especially the part where Roman would be with Teri.

  12. Yeah what I mean is that they based the whole show on them and they are no Shakespeare to pull it off.

  13. So let me get this right, the main reason why the show was canceled was because people didn't watch because the whole Emery and Roman thing... and now it was grayson all along??? So, i lost Drake and Taylor together, the best couple and best charcaters in the show, because they pushed Romery into every single picture and promotion and they weren't end game??? So they really think Emery could be like a warrior or something??? The actress is not good to do that... Tery and Roman together?? I really liked her at the beginning but then she was just boring... well i have to thank the creator for the interview, because i was so sad to see the show gone, now i have to say Mark was so right!!! Thank you CW you really made right choice.

  14. Count me on it. I guess i owe an apology Mark Pedowitz. He really knew what he was doing.

  15. Couldn't agree more

  16. Just a thought they should habe kept the "romance" with Drake and Taylor The atrian and the human...So much better character and they were so much better together and the actors were really great.

  17. Since they want to ad romance, they should have chose Drake and Taylor. They were fun, the actors were great and better than the main couple and People would actually want to watch. I'm really mad becuase they pushed Romery to everyone throats and they weren't even end game.

  18. This would've been very interesting. I would've been upset if Taylor died. Sucks she would've lost the baby. But i definitely like Taylor, as an individual and her with Drake. I would've like to see the whole training warrior dynamic. I think i liked them the best in the entire show.

    As far as Roman and Emery. They used the Dawson's Creek analogy. Which ya know what? I could get on board with that. Well i would've been on board with that. I mean yeah I shipped them. But i also liked her with Grayson. I liked Grayson. I'd prefer if they didn't rush the whole Emery/Grayson thing though. If they actually did it like DW then i would've felt better about it. Ya know, Grayson doesn't get her til Season 3, sort of thing. Then they have a real relationship in Season 4. But for Roman and Teri...idk, i could never see it, b/c it seemed like (even though he was attracted to her) that he HATED her sooo much. I couldn't see them giving it another go.

    Everything else besides that seemed very interesting, Lukas, Julia,

  19. There is no season 2 since CW cancelled the show.

  20. Dude, we all know that. They're giving us what WOULD'VE happened, had we had gotten a season 2. smh

  21. Brandy Danforth24 May 2014 at 23:20

    In a way I'm glad the show was then -No Ronery endgame,Terri(hater and Zoe)& Roman no!!Killing Taylor and the baby No!!

  22. It's cool to have some resolution to the writers' plan for the show, but I don't like any part of these future plotlines. There seems to be no continuity with the current characters' development and the sudden shift for season 2 and beyond (Emery as Katniss?! Laughable). I'm just hoping that the actor who played Roman gets another shot at a CW show...because *fanning myself* that man knows how to show passion on screen. :)

  23. aww that sucks that just makes me not want to watch any more tv but if starcrossed do come back i will like be omg

  24. Yeah but I always thought of Star-Crossed as two people told they can't be together that find a way to be (even if it means death).

  25. Christopher DeBono25 May 2014 at 05:03

    That's the modernized meaning for the term.

    The original meaning (stemming from Shakespeare) like Graydon said, refers to 2 people who are not fated to be, yet try to be. (Attempting to defy their own destiny in a sense). However their destiny cannot be changed.

    The modern meaning for the term, refers to 2 people who's relationship is doomed from the start. However they somehow (either through hard work or chance) find a way to make it work and successfully change their destiny.

    The modern meaning is more 'romantic' while the original meaning is more of a hard hitting emotional tragedy (or as we might call it in modern days, an 'emotional roller coaster').

  26. Mmmm. True.

    Though to be technical and spiritual one might say Romeo and Juliet were able to be together in death.

    I get it though.

  27. I'm so glad to read it but... Emery and Grayson? Roman and tori? I mean TORİ! I really disappointed. I'm glad "Star-Crossed" is over. -Because in the season finale, Roman and Emery were together and my dreams were'nt destroyed :(-
    (I'm sorry because of my mistakes. Unfortunately, my english is not good enough.)


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