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The 100 - Episode 1.07 - Contents Under Pressure - Sneak Peek 3

30 Apr 2014

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Source: TVLine


  1. Thanks for posting! Finally they make contact with the Ark! And I'm so sorry for Jaha. Even Kane looked a bit sad when Clarke said Wells died.

  2. so sad. Wells was such a great character.. i think they made a mistake by killing him, his storyline could have been very interesting, because now everyone's background is pretty much similar - they all are from poor sectors of the ark, only Clarke is "privileged". I think Wells storyline could have been very strong - him, overcoming his father's shadow, acting differently, trying to become something other. sad:( I actually think they should have killed someone else (Finn?? sorry, but now, he's not interesting, good heart, but not interesting)

  3. I like Finns character, he is calm and can be both fun and serious. Clarke and Bellamy feels a bit more like drama queens to me. I feel like the show needs someone like Finn. I really hope he survives. Would much rather see Octavia die.

  4. I'm currently reading the book and I'm not that fond of Wells and I think by killing him, they were able to give us a really interesting episode which dealt with mob violence and consequences amidst the 100 (or so) juvenile delinquents who live without any law and order.
    While Finn isn't all that exciting as yet, I think he should stick around and not because of the love triangle (that needs to die), but because he is supposed to be a good tracker and I would like to see them go off exploring into the wild.

  5. Jason Rothenberg said Jasper was the one who was supposed to die but when watching the pilot they decided they liked him too much. So they had to choose another main character to kill off and it was Wells. I think it was the wrong decision. There was so much potential with Wells.

  6. TheShiftyShadow30 April 2014 at 23:27

    I think Wells dying was the right choice. He was the only one Clarke was connected to prior to being in lock up and moved her character forward a bit. She confronted Murphy without thinking and kicked all that stuff off because it was her friend that died. Other than killing Bellamy or Octavia off early Wells was the only character that would have emotional impact on another character. Killing Jasper in the pilot or second episode wouldn't have done anything story line wise other than alert them to the fact that there was someone else on Earth with them.


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