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POLL: What was your favorite scene from Once Upon A Time 3.12 "New York City Serenade"?

10 Mar 2014

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NOTE: You can vote for up to 3 scenes.
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  1. When Emma understands that her parents remember her and she finds out that her mother is pregnant... beyond awesome episode!

  2. So many good moments last night.I liked the scene between Snow and Regina when Snow was talking her out of burying her heart.Snow was comforting Regina in what had to be a very dark time in her life,I'm glad Regina listened to her without giving her flack.

    I liked all the scenes with Hook and Emma.There is an easiness they have together that i really like,that i don't see with Neal.Take your pick,I like those two together,anytime of day...or night!

    It was also great seeing Emma unite with her parents,it was really sweet and loved Snows belly,ha!

  3. ♡♥CAPTAINSWAN♥♡10 March 2014 at 20:03

    henry hook and emma and the whole why are u dressed like that thing that was hilarious

  4. Emma reunites with her parents

  5. I have to admit, I didn't expect Hook to ask him the same question, haha.

  6. All CaptainSwan scenes and Emma's reunion with her parents.

  7. And Emma and Hook in Central Park. Love this scene too! ♥
    So much Captain Swan feels in this episode! I LOVED IT! :D ♥

  8. I loved the Snow/Regina scenes this episode! I really hope this dynamic grows and develops this half of the season :')

  9. Oh and also all the sassgina moments
    'He smells like forest'
    'Why is she pregnant and I'm the one who's sick?'
    'Well, I'm sure you deserved it'
    ''Her?!' Show some respect, or at least some restraint at the buffet'

    Can't beat Regina/Sass (unless Gold/Rumpel is involved too)

  10. Neal's apartment and brief Neal/Belle interaction

  11. Me too! The only parent/child relation I like more than Emma/David is Regina/Snow, I really hope they work on it :)

  12. There were a lot of scenes to like in this episode. My favorite scenes were the FTL flashbacks, especially the ones with Regina and Snow.

  13. When Emma, Henry, and Hook are about to go to Storybrooke and Henry asks Hook about his clothes and he sounds offended. I can't stop laughing, and they all look cute together.

  14. There were a few too many Emma/Hook scenes with him being a creeper so it made the Snow/Regina scenes so much better for me.

  15. All of them made me laugh out loud as well!! Sassy Regina is just the best! :)


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