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POLL: What was the best scene in Castle - The Way Of The Ninja?

18 Mar 2014

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  1. Castle moves a cup that falls on the ground before the suspect may grab it. Beckett complains, Castle says he's not the killer and he's not a ninja.

    That was priceless :)

  2. Castle and Beckett agree that their life can never be boring, that scene was hilarious.

  3. The kisses!

  4. It, had so many wonderful scenes, it was classic Castle at its best, great case of the week as well, but my favorite was at the end, Gates knew that was Castle, he scurried out like a little boy, and Kate's smile, yep those two will never be bored!!!

  5. This was another episode where there were just too many great scenes to pick just one but alas, I picked the end when Gates hollered at Castle...."Mr. Castle?!"...might just be my new favorite running bit, second only to Caskett saying "always". And speaking of "always" you think they'll say "always" instead of "I do" or "I will" for their vows (the ones we won't see on screen)?

  6. Last scene that scene was AWESOME.

  7. "Castle is speechless when a ninja stole the murder weapon he's holding in fron of his eyes"

    "In the last part, Castle tries to remove the shuriken but it flies into Gates's room which screams his name"

    Both scenes killed me Nathan's face was priceless :D

  8. Caskett vow to never be boring :)

  9. The scene where Beckett is worried that her's and Castle's marriage will become boring and they agree to never let that happen. That part was adorable! :D


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