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POLL : What did you think of How I Met Your Mother - Daisy?

11 Mar 2014

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  1. Whoa! I hated the storyline with Robin's mom. They laid it on a little too thick and I'm choosing to believe she was drugged off her ass because of that plane ride and repeating stuff she's been told before.

    Absolutely loved Marshall and Lily's storyline! I started to suspect she was pregnant again about ten minutes in and that the cigarettes were a red herring, but yay! I'm so happy they're having another baby. And they named her Daisy! The episode title was perfect. And the flower names thing is awesome. I love it so much.

    Great episode!

  2. I liked this episode but didn't love it the only things I really liked was seeing The Captain, Becky (Boats, Boats, Boats) and Marshall and Lily's storyline. I liked that they named their daughter daisy it's a really nice name. I hated the stuff with Robin's mom this was not called for and now she's thinking that Barney will turn out to be like her father. It's so not fair to Barney cause he has been shown all season that Robin is the only one for him. Why do this now when we have only three episodes left?

  3. Wasn't fooled for a second about Lily being pregnant. All signs just seemed to point to it. Anyway, it was an okay episode. These last episodes really should be more Mother centric. I have had years to see the rest of the gang. I really want the payoff I've been waiting years for in seeing Ted with his wife and maybe even his children if time permits.

  4. Called it.....5 months ago

  5. great episode love it especially Lily and Marshall storyline love that they are having another baby Robin mother was a bit over the top but over all enjoyed the episode mad this the last season going to miss this show

  6. Ya it's looking more and more like that theory is going to come true.

    The Mother is dead, Robin/Barney divorce after a while, and Ted and Robin end up together raising the kids.

  7. start_wearing_purple11 March 2014 at 01:47

    Great episode, cute ending. Also, Linus!

  8. Yeah, that's 100% not happening. Sorry.

  9. Love the Marshall and Lily Story. Marshall & Marvin both start with M, Lily & Daisy both are flower names, very cute how they did that!

  10. Well, yeah, the show has gone on ad nauseum about how Robin is perfect for Barney, but the show has also leaned heavily on the idea that while Robin is perfect for Barney, Ted is actually a little better for Robin than Barney is. This has been around since Season 5 (that was the season with Don, right?). So the final episodes are about fixing those inequalities and separating Ted and Robin once and for all (plus there has to be something that goes wrong at the wedding... that was revealed in the Season 8 premiere). All of it makes sense to happen in the show's final episodes.

  11. I know right. Hey writers it is not like we are down to the last few episode or anything. You might want to show the mother a little bit more. Even a closing scene showing the mother and her family with Lily and Marshall's family together would have been cute (and they could have revealed that Lilly had a little girl named Daisy in the same scene). But nope just an end scene of Lily and Marshall with no sign of the mother.

  12. Yeah agreed. that theory I don't see happening. Not only has Robin been referred to as Aunt Robin many times when Ted talks to his kids but I don't see the writers being that dumb to just kill of the mother solely so Ted can still have Robin. And I can't imagine Barney or Robin just divorcing after everything they have been through for her to go back to Ted. That would totally ruin the friendships of the group I can't see it happening.

  13. Plus, I think a lot of people would be pissed if that happened (myself included. There might be crying involved too. LOL).

  14. Lakshmi Chandra Naresh Kota11 March 2014 at 04:48

    Wedding jitters for Robin are from the fear of marrying her Father and for Barney about a tie... They will resolve everything anyways.

    I liked that Marshall and Lily went to Italy with their children and Parents. So more jitters in the next two episodes bring it on.

    I believe Robin would ask Ted to stay back in New York and he would give some reasonable speech to convince her,

  15. No need to be Sorry, not something I want to happen. But the writing has been on the wall for a while. this whole season almost every episode someone makes a snide comment or observation about how Barney will be a terrible husband or isn't husband material. Today's Convo between Robin and her Mom solidified that when she asked Robin do you have someone you can depend on and Robin;s look said it all. Makes sense too conisering The show runners have dragged the Ted/Robin storyline for years for years without any direction, apparently thsi was the reason why.

    I hope I'm wrong because the Mother is beyond awesome and Ted deserves his happy ending with her but I will be surprised if I am.

  16. My theory is the mother has been sick since 2024 and that Ted finally tells the kids the story of how he met their mother in 2030 while the family waits for a checkup on the health of the mother. Five years after someone has been diagnosed with cancer is considered an important milestone. The final scene might be Ted learning good news about his wife's health. The writers better explain why Ted waited so long to tell the kids their story.
    Ted told the kids that Robin was never alone. I wonder why Ted would say that if Barney is still married Robin in 2030. It is possible that eventually Robin divorced Barney many years later but Robin would always have her friends around her.

  17. This is so dumb it actually makes me wanna punch you in the face. With a bat. Twelve times. At least.
    Nothing personal, just my body is allergic to stupid theories about Robin + Ted already.

  18. In what way has the show gone on about Ted being better than Robin? Aside from 8.23 I can't think of a single example. There are episodes such as "Baby Talk" and "No Pressure" which have pretty specifically shown Barney's more suited to her.

  19. THIS a million times, I don't understand for the life of me how someone can watch the episodes you mentioned (or the entire series...) and think Ted is a good match for her and vice verca, not only that, but also Ted's ridiculous behaviour towards her after "No Pressure". The show has gone about Ted being husband material in a traditional way, and Barney not so much, life with him is going to be an adventure. Nothing is necessarily better than the other one, it depends on the partner to decide, and Robin simply wants her Band and not DJ.

    And even if we'd take that out of the equation, how can someone think that the person she's clearly not in love with would make a better husband for her? Loveless marriages usually don't pass the test of time...

  20. Everytime someone posts one of these stupid conspiracy theories in the vastness of the internet, a little kitten dies somewhere. Just saying...

  21. Exactly, Robin's look said it. "Farhampton" flashforward, we somehow have to justify this huh?

  22. Im right with you buddy. I want to rip my fingernails out with my teeth everytime I see one of these crackpot theories popping up.

  23. This is all about stability and if Barney can be the husband that her father wasn't so obviously she's worried that he won't be there for her when we have seen just the opposite over the years. Like the examples above from getting her a job to keep her in the country to tell her how awesome she is because he loves her independence it's Robin who seems to not get how much Barney is there for her and it saddens me that she doesn't see that after all these years.

    Barney can be unsteady in life but when it comes to Robin he;s always been much more dependable than Ted has ever been to Robin. What does the guy have to do to prove his loyalty to her?

  24. Why does Robin's mom have an English accent?

  25. I was feeling a little nostalgic and going through some old posts when I read this. This guy was dead on and it actually happened.


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