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The Tomorrow People - Episode 1.13 - Things Fall Apart - Review: Game Change

10 Feb 2014

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Having completely and utterly failed in my prediction of Laurel’s death on Arrow, I have found solace from having correctly predicted The Tomorrow People’s latest revelation. Even from the start, I knew there was something more to Marla, and I put all the pieces together in episode 4.

For a moment, I thought that Marla/Astrid/Astrid’s father might die in that final scene, but this is a much better twist. As the season has gone on, it seemed more obvious that Marla had superhuman abilities, and even when she stormed into Jedikiah’s office, I knew then that I had been right all those weeks ago.

I am really now looking forward to how Stephen reacts. Considering she put him through all the drug treatment, therapy sessions etc. when she knew exactly what was going on with him, I would expect him to be more than a little annoyed. However, this will make things easier for him, as he can now open up about his secret life rather than have to keep it secret.

Before Stephen realised the truth, he had to figure out whether or not his brother Luka was breaking out. The scene where Luka was balancing the fork was a brilliant scene to be included, since it helped convince Stephen that Luka was breaking out. However, Stephen was wrong when confronting Luka, as the only thing he was guilty of was having a bong (how old is this kid?).

While Stephen is now confident that Luka isn’t like him, neither he nor Peter are out of the clear. While we think it was Marla who blocked Stephen out of Peter’s head, she was not there when the camera stopped in mid-air – only Luka, Peter and Stephen were. Therefore, one of the two have powers. Either Peter or Luka have been playing fool.

In the midst of all the ‘who is the Tomorrow Person?’ chaos, Stephen was assigned a seemingly tough task by The Founder. This episode revealed that he is none other than a psychopathic killer, who is willing to manipulate in order to get what he wants. The thing that he desired here was the capture of his daughter.

I found it very odd that Cassandra even let Stephen buy her a drink. Surely, if she blocked Cara out, but let Stephen into her mind, she would know who he is? Of course, there was more to it than her being a rogue breakout who wanted to elude capture. Instead, she wanted to have her powers removed. Again, this seemed strange at first, but once she shed light on what The Founder is really like (not as if we hadn’t made our own assumptions), it all became much clearer.

Of course, there was much more to Cassandra than meets the eye. It turned out that Ultra brainwashed Cassandra. I’m still not quite sure what purpose this served, but I’m sure we’ll find out in due course. It does seem odd that The Founder would brainwash his own daughter, so either he truly has no care for his daughter, or whatever he did to her was incredibly important.

Of course, Stephen making a deal with The Founder was always going to end badly. While Jedikiah is seen by Stephen as evil, he really should’ve listened to his uncle about The Founder. Clearly, it was the wrong move, as not only did he almost get a port in the back of his neck, but he brought Astrid out of hiding and almost cost her her life. Suffice it to say, he won’t be doing that again.

In the meantime, there was a serious problem in the subway. As I said last week, John and Cara’s relationship has been going downhill ever since we met them. Now, despite a kiss between the two here, I’d say they are probably finished as a couple. Cara’s leadership has been under scrutiny from John the whole time – disobeying orders just because that’s what he thinks is the best thing to do. In all fairness, he has been right every time. He saved Astrid, saved Stephen – what more can you ask for?

Of course, much as Cara went against John on multiple occasions when he was leader, a lot of those were the wrong decisions. While I can understand why the group didn’t want John as leader, the fact is that he is a better leader, and makes the better decisions. Sadly, now Cara will be continuing on the path that is likely to result in more problems than solutions for the group. I have no idea what John will do; where he will go. But I wouldn’t give it very long before the group are begging for John’s return.

Some odds and ends:

  • So, Stephen has quit Ultra. Considering they tried to kill his best friend, then the man in charge of Ultra promised Stephen that Astrid would be safe and then tried to kill her (and Marla), I wouldn’t hold out much hope of his return if I were Ultra.
  • This did lead to "Can't you pull some strings at Ultra?" "No I quit."
  • “Respect or obey, Cara?” Ironically, just before I watched this episode, I had rewatched ‘All Tomorrow’s Parties’ when Cara said this exact same thing to John.
  • "You felt her, the same way you felt me?"
  • “What’s an Astrid?”
  • It was obvious, but when The Founder said that Astrid was free, my first thought was “yeah, right…”
  • So, how old is Stephen? Because I don’t think someone in high school is allowed to buy a martini in New York…
  • I guess John won’t be down in the tube station at midnight… (OK I’m English and I like The Jam.)

The next episode isn’t until February 26th! However, there is a promo available. And my theory of the day is…. Jedikiah is trying to save Marla and Stephen from Ultra (the last scene in the promo comes before the first moment in the promo, and Jedikiah is telling the truth about wanting to help them).

Bradley Adams
15 year old in England. Love Hawaii Five-0, NCIS, NCIS LA, Person of Interest, Elementary, Criminal Minds, Nikita and Arrow, and the new The Blacklist, Hostages and The Tomorrow People. I am reviewing Person of Interest and The Tomorrow People for Spoiler TV. I run an Arrow blog, ArrowFansUK. Aside from TV, a keen cricketer.


  1. Thanks Bradley, great review as always. Really enjoy them.

    FYI: Your Author image appears to be broken :(

  2. Thanks very much. Yes, I see that. Will try to get it fixed. Damn thing lol.

  3. Seen a few people over the internet say Marla stopped time and I think she only TKed the bullets. Can I get your opinion? The difference being if she stopped time then it takes away part of what makes Stephen and his dad different...

  4. Ok, One thing Idk what The Founder is trying to do to Cassie, but w/e it is, i think it has to do with that glowing body or glowing something that Stephen saw in that lab.

    Another thing. I seriously don't think that Peter nor Luka have powers. Them being on the bridge sure. But Marla was right that right after that. I believe she's the one that stopped the Camera from falling. She just didn't make her presence known until after it happened.

    I also agree that TTP will be begging for John to come back, b/c (as much as i like Cara) She is a terrible leader. She's trying way too hard, she doesn't trust her people. And what would have happened if John actually listened to her? Astrid and Stephen would be dead. Then she'd feel the guilt from that forever, and the TTP would really hate her for that. John is a natural born leader, and as many times as Cara has gone against him, he never thought of kicking her out. So i'm upset about that. Idk where John will go. I have three options. 1) he goes into a hotel. 2) He pops up at Astrid's making sure she won't get hurt, and as as exchange she lets him crash there in secret. And 3) It's a slim chance, but he crashes at Stephen's. I have no idea how that's going to go. All i can think of about that situation is...AWKWARD.

    John and Astrid, and much as i shipped them. I believe their breakup was the right thing to do. B/c she can't seem to make up her mind about what she wants. And i kinda got the feeling, that when John kissed her (even though she kissed him back) IDT she felt anything. And John seems to care a lot more about her than she does for him. All b/c of 18 year old Stephen, which i don't like. Cara is 22. John is about 24-26. Astrid i believe is also 18. Maybe 17, but her bday could be coming up we don't know. But Astrid won't return til episode 15. So we'll see how that goes.

    And now they we know Stephen is a Synergist. Makes it very clear why he had a connection with Cassie. I think only Synergist can feel each other. Which is why Cara couldn't get a read. It's above her pay grade. lol And i didn't appreciate that line towards Stephen "You felt her like you felt me" First she's jealous of Astrid with John, now she's jealous of Cassie with Stephen..(rolls eyes) give me a break. Maybe she should have talks with Tim more often. Tim would help her decide. But for now it looks like both of the boys are saying F U Cara. Which i don't mind, b/c she's been stringing them both along.

  5. She just TK'D the bullets. Idt she stopped time at all.

  6. I think Luka will probably develop powers. He may not have broken-out yet but he should probably break-out once he reaches the sage Stephen was in the pilot. If both parents have them it seems like all their children should inherit them as well.

  7. Yeah, I don't get why Cara is so jealous of Stephen connecting with Cassie. She connects/feels other people all the time. It's not like Stephan was feelings for Cassie - he didn't even know her so there wasn't anything to be jealous of.

  8. Well Stephen didn't know Cara either. I mean she was just this voice in his head. But i guess with her having this "connection" with Stephen, and then having another woman connecting with Stephen, Cara is all, who the hell is this woman? Like Stephen is suppose to be HER territory or something. I just didn't like that. At first when she said "I can't get a read on her at all" That was expression, was all confusion. But when she said that other line to Stephen, and they both smiled, even though she CLAIMS she didn't mean it that way. I think that she did. She was flirting with him. She sure dropped her tough exterior for that one. smh

  9. It could also skip a generation too. So there's a chance he might not develop any.

  10. It could also skip a generation too. So there's a chance he might not develop any. (Meant to reply to u, but accidentally posted it above)

  11. Episode 14 would also be nice..

  12. She didn't stop time.

  13. Ah, didn't know.

  14. yeah, i'm a little disappointed she won't be in the next episode, but it's all good. We'll see a lot of her in ep 15. and TTP will be popping up to see if she's ok. : )


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