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Rosemary's Baby - Carole Bouquet and Christina Cole join cast

1 Feb 2014

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Carole Bouquet and Christina Cole have signed on to NBC‘s four-hour miniseries Rosemary’s Baby, an adaptation of the 1967 best-selling suspense novel by Ira Levin. It centers on Rosemary Woodhouse (Zoe Saldana), a young wife and would-be mother who, with her husband Guy (Patrick J. Adams), moves into a Paris apartment that has a dark past. After finally getting pregnant, she becomes increasingly suspicious that both her husband and their mysterious neighbors have ulterior motives about the future of her child. Bouquet has been cast as Margaux Castevet, a sophisticated and beautiful Parisian socialite who befriends young Rosemary, and Cole will play Julie, Rosemary’s spirited girlfriend.



  1. I really this miniseries getting low ratings, what is wrong with the Hollywood writers. Can't think come up with something original for once. The movie will always be better then this miniseries.

  2. I love the movie and the book but I'm still very excited for this.

  3. Christina Cole?! HELL YES.

    Ironically I was literally just on a HEX message board a few minutes ago (a 2005 British series she was in) saying how I would love to see her in American horror and here she is. :D


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