Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Poll: What Was Your Favorite Scene in Elementary "The One Percent Solution"?

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Poll: What Was Your Favorite Scene in Elementary "The One Percent Solution"?

28 Feb 2014

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  1. pretty much any of the Lestrade/Holmes scenes were great, but the topper was seeing Holmes' humorous side in trying (and eventually succeeding) to get Watson to say cock.... lol

  2. So many possibilities, but i knew within gthe first few minutes of this episode that I'd be voting for however you phrased Holmes getting cocky, assuming you picked that opening scene. Hilarious, as was that entire sub-plot!

  3. Other: The end scene where the cocks don't fight and Watson says she won't feed them.

  4. Thank you for adding this one! It was #8 on my list!! I loved it too!

  5. Another great scene! Thanks for adding it here!

  6. Patrick Maloney4 March 2014 at 01:48

    The ringtone always made me laugh uncontrollably


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