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POLL : What did you think of Chicago PD - Thirty Balloons?

6 Feb 2014

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  1. Good episode very interesting with that IA stuff going on.

  2. I really don't like Voight's son. He's a complete douche! It's too bad Erin's stuck babysitting him. I really like Erin and Jay. I hope something happens between them along the way. I laughed when Voight said that he wanted to protect Jay from Erin! And I hope Adam gets his shit together soon and starts listening to Olinsky because his attitude is getting annoying. Great episode!

  3. I'm so glad that they are playing up the chemistry between Jay and Erin. It is happening sooner than expected and I love it! I think there is a lot about Ruzek that we don't know yet...It will be interesting to learn more about him.


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