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POLL : What did you think of Grimm - Red Menace?

4 Jan 2014

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  1. I missed the show and am so glad it's back! That was a great episode.

    Whoa at the ending, though. Was intense.

  2. I had a flashback to the Pilot episode with that beginning.

    Good episode. Can't wait for next week.

  3. To be honest, it was an above average episode. Ever since One Night Stand (the Naiod episode that I absolutely loved and is my favorite episode of the series) all the episodes have been ok. Same thing this week. Case of the week was meh although i must say it had one of the cooler Wesen, Hank's side thing seemed oddly out of place, Renard and Adalind are just same old same old (have that damn child woman).

    But this week's side story is really what made it above average. I'm super excited to see what happens next week with Juliette hopefully finding out her friends is Wesen and excited to see her kick some ass.

    For the first time in a couple months I'm extremely excited for next week's Grimm.

  4. So did I. And I love that Sam the Sham song in the beginning.

  5. Wait--when did they get a guest room? Poor Nick had to stay on the couch.

    A, B, C and D stories this week--that's a lot going on. The C story was Renard's trip to Vienna ending with telling Adalind someone is going to want that kid. We still don't know for sure that it's his, but it would make a good story if he ends up as a father. The A story, based on the Russian mystic and healer, Rasputin, whom as legend has it could not be murdered because he recovered from all attempts (although one of them did eventually work), was interesting. I do suspect the writers worked to find a way to have Sasha show off his Russian.

    More interesting was Juliette's beaten friend and her brute of a husband, who are Wesen as Juliette will probably discover next week, and I'm looking forward to learning more about this.

    And finally, the budding of what we know from spoilers to be a romance between Hank and his therapist.

    Also, has Juliette been redecorating? One of the walls has been painted a deep blue. I like it.

  6. For one second I was wondering if it was a repeat of the pilot but was confused cause of the ''previously on''

  7. Really enjoyed this return ep as everyone got some time... Really liked the Capt being a little more involved in the field and hearing him use a little Russki tongue to boot... like how the Juliette's friend plot set up nicely for next week, and how they've dropped a tidbit for a Hank storyline to come with his physical therapist

  8. I think it was definitely one of the best episodes of the season so far. I really liked it.

  9. Yeah, they got WAY better juggling the different storylines, by concentrating more on one, and giving the other ones only a few scenes...makes the starts of the episodes a little bit choppy, but works way better than the mess they created last year.

  10. Which was surely their intention...the moment I saw the red hoody in thought "bad idea"

  11. Actually, the A story was not based on Rasputin, but on "The death of Koschei the Deathless", though I guess that the healer element was a hint to Rasputin.
    I hope next week we get a little Monroe and Rosalee, though.

  12. I think you have things turned around. One of the more sensationalistic aspects of the Rasputin legend was that he was supposedly almost impossible to kill. They tried to stab him and to poison him -- as they did with Mishkin in this episode -- but nothing worked. As I undestood it, this episode claimed that Koschei was not a specific entity, but rather a whole species of supernatural beings, of which Rasputin -- and Mishkin -- were members.

  13. "The death of Koschei the Deathless" is about an nearly impossible to kill enemy. I think they started out with the story and then realized that this sounds exactly like what happened to Rasputin (I mean, they more or less described the way he died in the episode), so they connected the real life even to the fairy tale. It's Grimm...I like to think that they start out with the tale, and not with the history. They have done this before, for example when they connected the legend of the Muse to a real life event involving Van Gogh.

  14. It could just as well been the other way around, though. I can see the writers in their conference room, throwing ideas around and then one of them say, "Hey how about using Rasputin in the show. I mean, this guy just has to have been a Wesen, right? Right, so now let's see what fairytale character would fit."

  15. I normally would agree, but then they normally just throw in a random quote which somehow applies to the episode...they are really lazy when it comes to this. This one is too obscure (at least for Americans) and fits too well to be just a "let's connect this somehow to the theme of the show" fix.

  16. Except that Rasputin isn't an unknown character, even in North America. It's standard practise for shows of this genre to depict the great villains of human history as having been demons or some other sort of supernatural beings. Remember: According to this show, Hitler was a Wesen, too.

  17. Hence my believe that the fairy tale came first...It just makes much more sense that one of the writers stumbled over the fairly obscure story and thought "oh, this sounds like great material...and wasn't Rasputin killed this way?" than one of the writers suddenly deciding to shift from fairy tales to historical figures, went to hunt for a fitting text and was so dedicated that he found the one which was the perfect fit.

  18. Re: Hank's side thing. It did seem out of place in this episode, however it hinted at a budding romance that will become closer to central later on.

  19. Considering the title of this episode ("The Red Menace") and the fact that "The Death of Koschei the Deathless") was published in "The Red Fairy Book", you could conceivably be right. Let's see if Jack and the Beanstock or Rapunzel or Mother Holle show up in the second half of this season. If they do, then that's where the writers are getting their ideas.

  20. Helena Ahlstrom Jole4 January 2014 at 17:22

    Rapunzel was 1.07 and Jack and the Beanstalk was 1.08.

  21. Ah, I didn't watch season 1. Thanks!

  22. Yep, I figured the writers were giving a nod to it.

  23. The Red Fairy Book? Either way, strange mix...Rapunzel and Mother Holle are Grimm stories, Jack and the Beanstock is an English one and Koschei is East European....

  24. I know, but perhaps it's Andrew Lang's anthologies of fairy tales (see Wikipedia) that they're using as their source of inspiration. His anthologies contain fairy tales from all around the world (including the Grimms' tales), not just those from the German-speaking part of the world, as the Grimm Brothers' collections do. The fact that the word "Red" is contained in both titles is probably just coincidence, though. In this episode, it probably does just refer to the fact that our Wesen of the Week is Russian.

  25. I think this is the first episode I've seen where almost all the major elements of the episode that Grimm introduced were to set up plots and subplots for future episodes. Even so, the case of the week was a bit more interesting and complicated than usual and had a cool resolution. All in all, it was an atypical episode but solid nonetheless. Plus, even though Wu wasn't in the episode much the little dialogue he had was good so bonus points for that.

  26. Loved the opening call back tot he pilot. Red sweater and all. :-)

    I really really enjoyed this episode. From the episode description I didn't expect the healer to actually be the good guy. I thought having him die to save the woman there to kill him was a great way to confirm that The Healer was tell the truth when he said he'd changed.

    Trailers continue to be a source of disappointment. :-) I was expecting to see Juliette's fight scene in this episode but in retrospect I'm glad they took time to build up into that. I am so glad they brought Juliette into the fold she is so much more interesting. Oh and I LOVED Nick's reaction to discovering that Juliette's friend is a Fu - no way I'm spelling that correctly -- Wesen.

  27. I really thought that man was going to attack her, until I saw it was Nick. I didn't expect that at all.

  28. Awesome episode! Definitely one of my favorites!
    I loved Renard! And Hank wanted to take him to the trailer but Nick clearly doesn't trust him with his Grimm stuff. If Nick would find out he has already been there, he won't be happy.
    I didn't expect Juliette's friend to be a Fuchsbau because Rosalee already is. I thought she would be a mouse-Wesen or something.
    And I really thought that man was going to attack the girl in the beginning, until I saw it was Nick. Didn't expect that either. He did run fast, no wonder she was getting scared.
    And they left us with a cliffhanger. But we already know Juliette is gonna beat him up. Was he a Klaustreich? Or something else?

  29. Actually Sasha Roiz was born in Israel to Russian/Jewish Parents and he spoke alot of Russian lol as you can tell by my name i speak Russian too lol the jokes were funny especially Wu.Hank and Nick walking in scrub like outfit hinting the Ghost Busters show lol

    I'm glad to be Russian seeing as i understand everything but the sad part is i can't even read or write Russian :( lol

  30. In a way, I like that about the show, though. It adds to its realism. Real life is just not structured in a way that everything which happens in a time frame neatly fits together. As long as they don't go overboard with it, I am totally okay with them setting those details up early on. Sometimes they do it more organic though (like the impending visit of Monroe's parents, which he already postponed during the second half of season 2 because Nick was living with him, and is now an issue again with Rosalee being around).

  31. So, was his Russian any good? I mean, I am already impressed with his German and French....

  32. If you mean Fuchsbau, I don't think she is. I think she is some sort of Cat Wesen. A Female Klaustreich, perhaps.

  33. Oh ya he was spot on lol the maid even confirmed it lol

  34. I read Sasha Roiz moved to Montreal, Canada when he was 7 years old. That could explain why he speaks French (in which he is not fantastic, but still pretty good) but I don't think he speaks German in real life. And I read he speaks Russian at home with his parents, so he must be good at it.
    The series aren't always great with the languages... In Twelve days of Krampus when the Resistence-boss arrived at the house, I THINK he spoke Dutch but I couldn't fully understand it (and I speak Dutch myself).

  35. Thank you for mentioning the guest room. I chuckled over that too. Maybe the extra room was an office and they decided to add a bed after they got back together? :-)

  36. Yup, I was trying to spell Fuchsbau. I think you're probably right about the Klaustreich I was a little startled by the notion that they were a "mixed" couple so to speak.

  37. I think she's a Fuchsbau. She definitely looks like one and I heard that little Fuchsbau-sound when she woged.

  38. How can you be so sure they don't have a guest room? It's not a small house, they could have two bedrooms.

  39. What pisses me off is the lack of foreign language casting lol if you gonna involve russians.dutch cast all ppl who speak it lol several cast were russian on last night episode of Grimm and i'm glad they went that way lol

    take the americans for example kerri and matthew dnt speak russian well and doesn't sell the concept of the show itself lol

  40. Exactly. I saw the same with Friends. A woman was supposed to be Dutch but I couldn't understand her at all. They just tell the actors what to say but that doesn't mean the actors say it right. They prononce most of the words, or even the letters, wrong. But I think Silas, for not speaking German, does speak it very well. And Sasha too.

  41. I believe Silas is german in life lol his goodbye in russian wasnt that bad lol

  42. Of course the house is big enough to have two bedrooms. We just wonder why Nick had to sleep on the Couch in season 2 when they have a spare bedroom.

  43. He doesn't know German....but compared to the way most of the the other actors (including Monroe) speak it, his is very good. He just has a slight French accent (which I think is very funny).
    I'm glad that the show got better with the languages...the first season was a punishment to my ears.

  44. Nope...Silas is most of the time a punishment to my ears when he has to speak German, he has a horrible American accent (though he got better in time..back in the first season...schudder...though sometimes I still have to repeat a scene multiple times when he is just throwing in a German word and sometimes I have to translate what he says it mean in English back in German to figure out what he means). Bree is actually way better in pronouncing the words right (her "unbezahlbar" was especially cute). But I can hand-wave Silas because Monroe is not supposed to be fluent in German.

  45. I was hoping to heard sasha speak russian and it came true lol

  46. Yes. That was a good fake-out. And didn't you love Nick's answer to Juliette when she commented that he'd been running but is not sweating? Something on the order of, "Yeah, how about that now?"

  47. I just rewatched the episode and he said: 'I know. Weird, isn't it?" (he looked little amused too)
    I wonder why Juliette hasn't talked to Monroe or Rosalee about it.

  48. I don't speak a lot of German myself, so to me his still sounds good. I don't know if it's always right but it's still better than their Dutch.

  49. When did they had to speak Dutch?

  50. I think they did in Twelve days of krampus when the Resistence-boss arrived at that house and met Renard. But I'm not really sure, because I almost couldn't understand it and I speak Dutch.

  51. Maybe they had to make it obvious Juliette didn't want him near her. Or they didn't want to mess up the bed. But doesn't that get used a lot, ''You may not sleep in the bed. Go sleep on the couch!" ?

  52. That was German

  53. German does look

  54. ?????
    Either way, Dutch and German are close enough, that I nearly understand Dutch if I really concentrate.

  55. He said "In welcher Sprache sprechen wir?" - like I said, German, not Dutch.

  56. Now you mention it, it ws probably German but like I said, sometimes German words sound like Dutch words. For example "gezondheid'' in German is ''gesündheid'' or something so it can be confusing for people who don't know a lot of German.

  57. That's what I said, I have the same with German.

  58. David was asked about that in an interview. He said, "No, they only have one bedroom." The house does look plenty big, though, from the outside. This is copied from EW:

    Speaking of Nick sleeping on the couch, there’s one thing I have to ask you about that seems to be bugging a lot of fans — is there seriously no guest room in Nick and Juliette’s house?
    This is bothering people! Do we have a guest room? We don’t have a guest room. It’s one bedroom and a storage room, and downstairs is a bathroom, a living room, a TV room and a kitchen. So we have a bathroom, a bedroom and this big kind of storage room upstairs.

  59. Thank you for that. Now where does this guest room come from then? I hate it when they mess up the little things.

  60. I agree. I'm German, but I also speak Dutch. It was definitely German. And the pronounciation was okay. Not exactly good but maybe the men were from different nationalities (only a few names were German), so that's excusable. What is not are the supposed natives in Austria with so horrible accents that I cringe every time I hear them. Adalind's doctor for instance was so bad that I was actually glad for the English subtitles to understand what she was saying. Is it so difficult to get actors that can really speak German for these roles? I always thought America must be crawling with German actors searching for fame. :-)

  61. I'm just glad that they found someone competent to look over the German parts - finally. Even if the Text isn't spoken right, at least the Grammar tends to be correct now.

  62. I would hope that they decided to do a little construction after that experience, and converted their "big kind of storage room" into a guest room and a small storage room. I love their house by the way.

  63. He did look amused. I think he's liking his new superpowers.


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