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Arrow - Season 2 - New Cast Promotional Photos

10 Jan 2014

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Thanks to for the photos.


  1. No Laurel, Diggle, Thea, Moira, Quinten and Slade?

  2. Whoa, Grant. Will he be in more Arrow episodes this season?

  3. Nice! Thanks for this pictures.

  4. just ate my post. Odd. Thanks for sharing the pretty pictures.

  5. I don't normally comment much on photoshoots but everyone looks ridiculously good in this one. Nice clicks!

  6. Comments show up with a delay sometimes (disqus error).

  7. Wow, all of these pictures look fantastic! Everyone looks great!

  8. Emily looks perfect. It's strange to see her in so unofficial clothes. She nailed it. I'm in love.

  9. Thanks, yeah both are showing up now. sorry about the double post.

  10. They all look so cute especially Emily but it's weird there are pics of Grant and none for the rest of the cast!

  11. where are the others¿? nevermind! they all look really good!

  12. Good, too much Barry. Probably enough promotion for him to push me away from this show

  13. And quite why Barry is in these when he won't be appearing again....

  14. I think these photos might be a few weeks old.

  15. Pretty sure they're from the WB Mondo Photo Shoot. I'm guessing they got a head start on Barry for the 2014-2015 season.

  16. …There is more of Grant than there is of Stephen Amell. Colton is such pro at this ;)

  17. Samantha Petrelli10 January 2014 at 20:16

    What about Diggle???

  18. I'd rather have Diggle over Barry. This is seriously getting ridiculous.

  19. Everyone looks great here, even the clothes are very tasteful. Emily always looks like such a kid off screen, it's a testament to her acting and the hair/makeup/wardrobe department's competence that she convincingly looks older as Felicity.

    Having half a dozen pics of an actor who appeared in 2 episodes kinda further shows how they over-hyped the hell out of The Flash appearing. They must be expecting his show to be a smash hit.

  20. Juliana Carvalho10 January 2014 at 21:56

    Colton is just made for modeling, it looks natural for him.

  21. Lol I wrote that because Colton was a male model :p

  22. Hmm. Barry and Roy but no Thea, Diggle, or Laurel. That's odd. Perhaps this is just the first set and a second set will be coming out soon.

  23. Awww, i love these!

  24. I think everyone who's a Flash fan will expect the show to be a hit! I have no worries. = )

  25. Maybe they just couldn't make the shoot.

  26. like them all so far, least is Roy, I feel like he might be arrogant second half of the season.

  27. Juliana Carvalho11 January 2014 at 12:12

    yeah, i know, i was agreeing with you. sorry it wasn't implicit.

  28. This guy has seriously been overhyped, the character is lackluster and the actor pretty bland. As a matter of fact I wouldn't want the spin-off to go forward.

  29. I got so excited for The Flash after its episodes, I kind of understand them wanting to keep the hype going as long as possible.

  30. I happen to disagree with all those opinions! To each his own.

  31. I think they want to keep the hype going for The Flash show. Nothing wrong with that IMO!

  32. Some of these photos look good but some of them crack me up 'cuz they seem like outtakes from a Macy's catalog shoot.

  33. The title says new cast promotional photos…. Emily and Colton (Felicity/ Roy) were only reoccurring characters last season, Barry's getting his own show so this is a good publicity move for him/ show writers and I'm guessing you can't have old photos of the show's MAIN star.

  34. The title says new cast promotional photos…. Emily and Colton (Felicity/ Roy) were only reoccurring characters last season, Barry's getting his own show so this is a good publicity move for him/ show writers and I'm guessing you can't have old photos of the show's MAIN star. Just my guess :)

  35. There not all in there. There is one of Thea and Diggle .


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