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White Collar - Episode 5.04 – Controlling Interest – Review

9 Nov 2013

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Hi White Collar fans. Tessa here, your new White Collar part time reviewer. I’m a big fan of the show so you might hear from me from time to time.

Let’s jump to the episode, shall we?

As we saw in the shocking conclusion of last week’s episode, David Seigel, Neal’s temporary and now former handler died. They put Neal under house arrest, which surprised me because no one apparently cared to check his anklet data to match it with the location of Seigel’s murder. It would have been an interesting development, which they might be keeping for later, when Neal’s deal with Crowley Hagen comes to light.

The first part of the episode is very case heavy and somewhat slow. Some guy confesses to stealing a pile of money, but he doesn’t remember how it happened or where the money is. Neal and Peter investigate. By the time they connect the dots to another guy, and then their therapist, I nearly fall asleep.

 It becomes interesting after that though. Neal decides to go in as a patient and wring some information out of the said psychiatrist. They ask her to take him and she conveniently says yes. At first I thought it was due to Neal’s charms, but then we find out she had a different agenda. Why the FBI didn’t wire Neal and listen in on their conversation I don’t know.

Neal goes in and from the get-go something seems off. There are wild camera angles and weird zoom ins and outs that indicate something is affecting Neal. Neal finally says he feels dizzy, and looks at his glass to clue us in that he’s drugged. That actually made me relax because, for a moment, I thought they were implying the doctor was a professor at Hogwarts instead of the university we saw at the beginning because no one could cause someone to faint simply by speaking to them unless they were a wizard.

Here’s my first confession of the day: I’m a hurt/comfort fan who has a weakness for sick and injured Neal, so that part with Neal panting and collapsing to the floor made me happy.

But it got better. In an effort to help Neal remember what he said to Dr. Summers, Mozzie gives him the same drug again, and it becomes a vehicle for some of the most adorable Neal scenes this season. Neal goes hyperactive and starts ranting. He confesses to liking to work for Peter and the FBI, as well as to cheating them. He gives Mozzie life lessons (the faces Mozzie makes are priceless,) and as if that wasn’t enough he heads to Peter and Elizabeth’s for more confessions.

Second confession of the day: I adore the Peter/Neal/El dynamic. I love to see them together as a family and have the impression (or like to have the impression) that Neal is like their son. This is amplified in this scene, in the ‘disapproving’ fatherly way Peter talks about Neal drugging himself, and the motherly way El asks Neal if he’s hungry because she’s worried about his health. Neal for his part is hugging a pillow like a four year old does his teddy bear, and falls asleep on the couch where peter covers him up with a quilt like any good father would after his kid falls asleep on his face.

Peter however does one thing that I don’t like. Right before Mozzie gets there to collect Neal he starts asking questions about Siegel. I understand where Peter if coming from and how he needs to make sure Neal doesn’t hide anything from him. But I didn’t expect him to take advantage of Neal’s drugged up condition. Maybe I hold Peter to too high standards. He is human after all and it’s only natural for him to see an opportunity and go for it.

The rest of the episode flew by me without much care. The case gets resolved rather absurdly, with evidence that wouldn’t hold in a classroom let alone a court of law. Neal takes the money and hands it to Moz to rebuild his empire. No Crowley Hagen in this episode, no heists for Neil either. If it weren’t for the cutsie Neil parts in the middle I would’ve called it mediocre.

Parting thoughts:

Moz as Neal’s spirit animal. Too many layers there for me to discuss.

Neal looked exceptionally fine in all his outfits. This shallow female viewer approves.

Love Jones’ presence on the show, miss Diana’s though.

Love the no Sara Ellis state of affairs. May she stay in London forever.

Great to see El, though I’m craving more of her and El/Peter/Neal.

This episode had some excellent Mozzie quotes which I sadly draw a blank on. Perhaps some of you guys could refresh my memory in the comments, or simply talk about what you thought of the episode.