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POLL : What did you think of Dracula - The Blood Is the Life?

26 Oct 2013

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  1. It was... meh

  2. I actually enjoyed it. I thought they were going to completely focus on the romance but they didn't. Typical revenge story, but seeing as he is Dracula there's a certain twist to it. It kind of seems like they took Tony Stark, removed the humor, and made him a vampire, and I'm sorta ok with it. The rest of the cast was pretty meh, but I did enjoy Lady Jane and Renfield. Action was ok, but certainly seemed a bit forced. Blood effects were nice, hell most of the effects were nice.

    It's getting at least another week out of me, and if the plot gets more interesting and they flesh out a few more characters, I think they'll have a season commitment from me, mostly because the only other things on Friday at 10 are Blue Bloods (which I have no desire to watch) and Haven (which I'm still catching up on)

  3. Barbarella Galaxina26 October 2013 at 04:31

    I was a good ep we got to see the start of the Plan Dracula and his Team has . The show left me wanting more and not wait to next Friday

  4. good start for the show. Dragged in a few parts but overall I enjoyed it and liked the twist of Drac and VH reluctantly teaming up to bring down a mutual bigger bad. I liked the secret society angle and am sure that we'll get plenty of backstory on the characters as the season goes on.

  5. My expectations were lowered by all the harsh reviews, but I enjoyed it. It feels like a cable show, I thought, very elaborate which I appreciated, it was also darker than I expected, which is also nice. A few scenes were cheesy, but overall, it's definitely NBC's best drama aside from The Blacklist, I'd say Grimm might be a tie, I still have issues with that show although I do like it. I don't regret buying the season at Google Play, as long as the rest of the season builds on the pilot.

  6. It was good. The setting was sure a plus. I very much want to know more about those vampire hunters. Greyson definitely looked the part of the undead. Love how he shies from the sunlight.

  7. I liked it a lot more than I expected. It has definitely captured my interest. The sets were wonderful and the costumes are quite lovely. Pretty true to the period. i'll certainly give it a whirl.

  8. It's Dracula meets the Count of Monte Cristo and I'm liking it! The fight scenes are the Three Musketeers with a touch of the Matrix. The sets and wardrobe were beautiful with scenes of good dialog and even better acting. I'm looking forward to the next episode already! 4 THE LOVE OF THE IMPALER, I am Nobody!!!

  9. It is silly and doesn't make sense and not in a good way. Network standards don't help either. Dracula creeps around without being creepy. Jane stands out. That American accent does not exist.

  10. I found it rather fascinating, guess its not a show for teens and such,rather more mature show,that's why i like it.Its different than most series.

  11. I was pleasantly surprised by how good the show actually is because I went in with very low expectations. Granted, it's no Downton Abbey or any other popular period dramas but I had a lot of fun which all in all, makes me satisfied. Also, the wardrobe and the sets were beautiful to watch. The only negative aspect for me that I can say was Jonathan's accent. Other than that, I'm definitely going to watch the pilot again and stick around for a few more episodes to see where it goes.

  12. it was pretty bad to be honest. The acting was hammy and the storyline felt extremely dull

  13. I have never like the star and said unless it was VERY good I would not be back....well I will be back. Still don't think he is as hot as Dracula needs to be, but was very good with the character. In fact everyone did a fantastic job with all the characters. If it stays this interesting I will stay with it. The start was wonderfully creepy and I loved it.

  14. I had several chuckles in it, kind of like the SPN humor I am used liners.

  15. I like the show it was bit slow but I'm going continue to watch it

  16. I never realized how much Oliver Jackson-Cohen reminds me of Jack Davenport until watching this!

    I enjoyed the score music by Trevor Morris. Subtle enough to not overpower the scenes or fight the dialog, but still set the mood nicely.

    I liked how they co-opted Jack the Ripper into the show's mythology.
    Who knew the Ripper was a vampire! XD

    Overall I enjoyed the pilot. It had flaws to be sure, The pace of the episode and the feel was something different than most shows on network TV. The scenes were allowed to breath and were not forced, not edited with quick cuts or filled with too-cute-by-half dialog.

    I think the series has potential. While this pilot felt a bit slow or uneventful at times, I think it laid the groundwork for future episodes to have that missing pay off and drama. I'm not sure where it will go, but I enjoyed seeing different sets than most shows and the unique ambiance of the series.

  17. OK I rather liked that. Next week we can move Beyond intro to plot!

  18. I left my teens 30 years ago and I found it boring as well.

  19. I enjoyed it enough to watch the next few episodes.The sets were opulent,more than i expected,and nicely done.. OuaT could take a lesson or two on set decorations and get rid of that damn green screen...

  20. I liked it pretty much!!

  21. lots of potential.

    several reviews kept harping on Rhys-Meyers American accent. But it worked for me. it sounded like a couple of Northern accents I've heard which fit w/the story...also the character was putting in the accent not the actor...

    I absolutely live the guy playing Rienfield. I really like his screen


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