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Once Upon a Time in Wonderland - New Promo - Twilight Games

16 Aug 2013

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  1. Oh ma gawd, it's Jafar. His scepter looks so wicked.

  2. Jafar! Wow, I honestly didn't expect to see any of the footage that wasn't in the 19 minute presentation for a while. This just managed to get me excited for the episode all over again!

  3. "I have very special plans for her" TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!

  4. Really looking forward to this, and i love a good pantomime baddie, that Jafar looks like a right wrong 'un!

  5. Cool to see Jafar. My interest for this series has been increasing exponentially throghout the summer. I wasn't interested at all when I first heard the plans for the spin off but now I am eager for it! Also, I get good vibes just from hearing "From the writers of Lost", good for ABC to use that card. God, I miss Lost!

  6. When i see Naveen all i see is Sayid.I hope changes quickly for i miss LOST!!

  7. Jafar!!!! the rabbit ....everything!

  8. Well it was refreshing to see some new footage finally...

  9. I still see Sayid as well but Naveen is the only reason I have to watch this show. I really don't think it's going to be as good as OUAT they don't have a strong enough cast.

  10. I some how missed this, but YAY!!!! Jafar FTW!!!

  11. I'm hoping that Naveen was chosen for Sayid-esque parallels!! He's so perfect for the super emotional villain. I think he's be right in line with Regina.

  12. Actually, I thought Naveen was a severe let down acting wise in the last seasons of Lost when he was playing a more vile version of the character, particularly in season 6 when he was allegedly team MIB. I thought he wasn't caring anymore. He had outstanding work in seasons 1 and 2, and some okay moments in season 3 and 4, but after that I really didn't like his acting. I am hoping the acting from the earlier seasons shows up.

  13. I disagree, because it was a way to see another side to his character, a side where he actually didn't feel, as Lost, like many of Bad Robot's works play to the empirical with memory and/or sensory is explored as apart of 'the experience', which the OUAT writers continue to explore by having incarnations of characters who have two sets of lives. Additionally Sayid's experience gave GREAT presidents and juxtaposition to LOST's overall life extension themes, as the series explored that concept on every level, as life extension is what "death" was on LOST. It's true it also contrasted MIB in some way, except that Sayid's actually had less feeling, than the MIB. But as we see it was short-lived, as Sayid is able to live again and attempts to save the others to atone for his sins.

  14. Wow it's been such a long time since I've read Lost discussions, feels right! I get your point that he acted as he was supposed to, as in, someone who didn't feel, but for me, it just seemed that he was just not as into it. Maybe it was just my impression, dunno. But even little things like his accent slipping every now and then bothered me a bit.

  15. Well to be fair it, I always thought that NA had issues with his role from time to time. I think it had to be a little hard playing a guy who tortured people for a living, especially since it might have fed into the Arabic-terrorist stereotype, even though I think his role was way more complicated than that, plus I think a lot of the actors were harassed by fans for answers and it probably was real drag by season 6.


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