Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Person of Interest - Episode 3.03 - Title Revealed

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Person of Interest - Episode 3.03 - Title Revealed

23 Jul 2013

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Episode 3.03 of Person of Interest will be called "Lady Killer".

Source: SpoilerTV


  1. I cant wait for the new season!

  2. I wonder if this is where Root comes in?

  3. hmmmm a Shaw centric ep maybe?

  4. Hmmm, Shaw, Root, or "Ma'am"?? My bets on Ma'am!

  5. Awesome.... Love the titles of all POI episodes.... So clever!! Looking forward for season 3.....

  6. Sounds very Root or Shaw.

  7. I'm sure this is a play on words. Probably more of a case-of-the-week type episode where the Number is an attractive guy that murders women.

  8. This title could mean several different things, excited for it nonetheless! :)

  9. Perhaps the plot of the episode will be inspired by this movie? They sure love card games on the show, so it's certainly possible.

    Twisting the words gives us ''KIller Lady'' could certainly refer to the mystery woman in charge to whom Special Counsel used to report! :)

  10. Yeah card games, cons, and probability seem to be pretty common themes on this show! ,

    I had also forgotten about "Avery" too...
    He could be a lady killer!! He's suppose to have a dark secret! I'm thinking now he will be the one that likes to kill women, making his relationship/position with Carter very dangerous!!!

  11. Hmm that's also a good guess! :) Though I'd rather not have Carter or Fusco in danger! I have a feeling this show will kill a cast member sooner or later. :(

  12. Harkanwar Singh26 July 2013 at 19:42

    why are so awesome POI?


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