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The Vampire Diaries - Season 5 - Latest from Zap2it

17 May 2013

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Going into tonight's Season 4 finale, "Graduation," we knew a few things would happen: The gang would graduate, in a poignant scene that celebrated their history together. Elena would, once again, make a choice between Stefan and Damon. One character who had previously died would return from the dead. And, of course, we knew that someone would take the cure for vampirism and turn into a human. But while we were busy asking who would get the cure and who would spend the summer making out with Elena, we kind of forgot about another season-long mystery: Why won't Silas let anyone see his real face?

The slight of hand gave us one of the most jaw-dropping finale twists ever... and it was just one of many. We spoke with executive producer Julie Plec about what sort of fall-out to expect from some of the most surprising finale reveals when the series returns in Season 5.

1. Silas has a doppelganger -- and it's Stefan. Yes, the Petrova women aren't the only ones with the doppelganger enchantment in their blood. All of the convoluted twists regarding the legend of Silas, his goals, and his abilities came together. Thanks to a loophole, Silas came back to life, revealing that the immortality spell itself had a loophole: doppelgangers. Silas and Stefan share the same face. Stefan is Silas' doppelganger, and now he's trapped in a safe at the bottom of an ocean.

This is a storyline that has been in the works for about a year. "Last year, when Season 3 was over, we kept a small group of writers and we stayed for five weeks, to try to break the broad strokes of Season 4. Last year, right around this time, we came up with the doppelgänger pitch," executive producer Julie Plec tells us.

There were some complications to introducing another doppelgänger character. In Season 2 and early in Season 3, when Nina Dobrev was playing both Katherine and Elena regularly, she grew worn out, physically. Some of the decision-makers behind "The Vampire Diaries" were concerned that playing two characters could take a similar toll on Paul Wesley.

"We had to convince a lot of different people of how it could work and what could make it work," Julie says. "So that we didn't end up in a similar situation as with Katherine and Elena, where we exhausted Nina to the point of being unable to get out of her bed, because we accidentally overworked her so much. Creatively, everybody was very excited about the Silas doppelganger, it was just a matter of how long it took us to cement it, knowing that's fundamentally what we're going to do."

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  1. yeah Damon WILL try to make this relationship work? LMAO! good luck with that man, the more they say this, the more I know it's not real.. and Bonnie still there for plot-device ghost, no thank you, and if JP is as good a writer to compare her story for Bonnie like Being Human, which is obvious proof of how unoriginal she is, she'd actually write a better finale with real villains than that shit I saw tonight...

  2. 2 gripes here. Bonnie being a plot device for next season. The fact they "had to bring Jeremy back otherwise Elena wouldn't be able to move forward". I disagree. I think that Elena and Jeremy could have had closure and maybe even Jeremy and Bonnie could have found peace. People in real life have this happen to them more or less, and they get through it. And in real life they don't have the option of dropping some veil and the chance to see their loved ones again and to tell them goodbye.

  3. jeremy needs to go! i dont want him there ¬¬ bring bonnie back! some benneth witch needs to come back to mistyc falls and cast an spell or something, S5 would be fun to watch with the stefan dopelganger twist

  4. Mad shipper is mad.

    Keeping Bonnie around is lame. If they killed her for real, Jeremy wouldn't feel like a cop-out. It'd be a trade. Living Bonnie was nothing more than a plot device anyway, hopefully she won't be able to do any magic in the land of the living, forcing them to be more creative about their resolutions.

  5. - I don't accept JP's explanation of why they had to bring Jeremy back. It was completely unconvincing. He should have stayed dead.
    - As I said in the episode topic, I'm happy for Paul Wesley getting to stretch his acting muscles but I hate Silas. Who knows? Maybe he can make him interesting.
    - I'm calling it right now. TVD is gearing up for a season-long Bonnie/Jeremy story revolving around finding away to bring her back so they can be together. It's Jeremy / Anna 2.0 on a larger scale.
    - As for Delena, I'll just reiterate what Alaric said in the finale. "Don't screw it up." Don't go back to the triangle again.
    - Katherine... I honestly don't know what they're going to do with Katherine but I bet I'm going to like it.

  6. the thing I hate the most is being emotionally played .. and bringing Jeremy back, for lack of a GOOD reason, is when I'll be pissed off by it. but yeah he's the only one to bring back over Bonnie who's THE ABSOLUTELY logical reason to be brought back.. I won't hold my breath for a Bonnie SL to be brought back tbh, I have completely given up hope.

    Katherine can easily turn back a vampire, if they go like the books when Damon went back to being a vampire, but my guess is they won't make it that easy for her like that..

  7. Can I like your reply 100x?

    exactly, I hope she won't be able to do magic as well so these people can be stuck with no help .. but I know better than to hope for that! :(

  8. If Stefan is Silas doppelganger, shouldn't they be directly related? Like Elena and Katerina are to Tatia? If they are related, then why aren't (or weren't) the brothers wizards? Silas was one. A powerful one.
    Hallelujah. JP admits that Damon deserves some happiness in his (love)life. She killed quite a lot of his girls before she gave in and allowed him to be happy.
    I never believed that Katerina would change cause she's human now. But I doubt she'll be able to kick Elenas ass now.

  9. Damn I agree! I hate her character & its always her bailing them out or she's the most integral part of something. Her character sucks & should have crossed over! She saved Jeremy & saved Elena in the process, she should have said goodbye.

  10. My big gripe about the episode was the waste of the cure. Poetic justice for Katherine to be mortal, yes but ugh what a freaking waste. I love Katherine, her evilness makes me smile & i loved that she was beating whiny Elena's ass but it should have ended with Elena killing her & with some parting line along the lines of "this for everyone I love who you've hurt, this is for every life you have ruined." She doesn't deserve to be human even if it's a crafty plot twist. Damon should have been the selfish dick we all love & spiked Ric's whiskey with it! I like Jeremy but I would rather have Ric back than self righteous emo boy. Just a side note: Plec & her writing team didn't bring back Jeremy because they needed him for Elena, the fan backlash over his death & Tyler's departure was the real reason. At least they used the Tyler thing as a way to show there's hope for Klaus.

  11. This show doesn't seem to take anything exactly from the books too often so I don't expect Katherine to be able to turn that easily. None of them actually knows how the cure works. Maybe the cure is permanent and she can't turn again? (and if she tries she just ends up dead)

  12. hmmmm, wouldn't she see him as a ghost and tell Jeremy? and they didn't really interact that much to be worried about her figuring it out.. but they might allow her in her dead form to connect with her ancestor Qetsiya and learn more about her lineage as well as how to end Silas.. but she better be back in human form sometime during the season..

  13. Exactly my thought about the cure...what a waste.


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