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POLL : What did you think of Touch - Accused?

27 Apr 2013

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  1. Well I am sure FOX is gonna pull the plug on a great show...I certainly hope not. My wish is that they close up this Aster Corps / Calvin / Martin on the run stuff and lets hone in on the 39.....lets get into that mythology....the Professor from London who can look and see the past...there is so much more to this show than simply running.....shooting and hiding. The first season was wrought with great individual story lines that all melded miraculously together...........this was the shining star of the show....then they added a TOUCH of 24 and the show teetered. Please end all the crime drama stuff and lets get back to Martin discovering his son Jake and helping him in his mission. Amelia and Avram should help as well...and the boss of the magazine ....please FOX don't TOUCH this show.

  2. I love this series - wish it wasn't on Friday night though!


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