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POLL : What did you think of Nikita - Tipping Point?

6 Apr 2013

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  1. I think nobody has commented yet just because they brain killed us.... I have to say I only feel pain right now... And everything will get worse from now on... NO! Why? Why would the writers do that?! T___T

  2. Great ep. At first I was disappointed in Alex leading the revolt, but when it became clear that it was due to the manipulations of Amanda and her brainwashing, I felt a bit better except for the fact that brainwashed Alex shot Fletcher.... I'm glad that Michael got a hand back, but you just know that there will something about that hand that might bite them in the butt later. I'm wondering if "The Shop" has anything to do with the shadowy Illuminati group from S2...

  3. Things are getting crazy. Literally. Brainwashed Alex is wicked scary. I can't believe the other girl she's working with can't see she's gone insane.

  4. Larissa never existed. Alex experienced a virtual reality. Amanda blew up the base to hide this. It ties in with The Shop arc but I'd prefer Alex with free agency. The Shop is really creepy.

  5. I know, right? It's like "when I manage to pick my jaw off the floor, I'll comment..."

  6. Amazing from beginning to end. The look on michaels face when nikita backed him up in getting the hand, scary alex, ryan getting shot, this ep had it all. Best one of the season by far.

  7. AMAZING EP. WOW. alex is scary. i loved seeing michael an nikita in the field again. i missed owen tho

  8. Wow, amazing! I didn't expect all this in one episode... this season is gonna catch on firee!

  9. Awesome.

    My long-ass review of the episode:

  10. :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
    Michael :D he has his hand back! :D Really happy about that. Will be nice to see him back in action.
    Damn you Alex. Damn you. Not only are you a rebel, you shot Fletcher. :(


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