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Once Upon a Time Spinoff - Casts it's Red Queen and gets renamed

4 Apr 2013

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British actress Emma Rigby (Hollyoaks) has joined ABC’s Once Upon A Time spinoff, which is now titled Once Upon A Time In Wonderland (previously Once: Wonderland). The presentation, from Once Upon A Time creators Eddy Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, is set in pre-curse Wonderland. The story is told through the point of view of Alice (Sophie Lowe) who has a generous heart but carries the scars of a long hard life. She is joined by Cyrus (Peter Gadiot), Alice’s love interest, and the Knave of Hearts (Michael Socha), a sardonic adventurer. Rigby will play the Red Queen, a character based on the playing card that originated in the novel Through The Looking Glass by Alice In Wonderland author Lewis Carroll. In the book, the Red Queen aka Iracebeth, has a short temper and is merciless against her enemies and those who have betrayed her.

Source: Deadline


  1. Will Barbara Hershey appear? [Sorry, but my english could be horrible]

  2. They need to drop the whole "Once Upon a Time" bit. I know they're trying to make it blatantly obvious to viewers that the show is a spin off on OUAT, but less is more (in my opinion).

    "In Wonderland" or just simply "Wonderland" could work quite well.

  3. That is, IMO, the only question that matters. No Barbara, this thing is likely to sink.

  4. well, at least they changed the Once: Wonderland. It was lame.

  5. never been a fan of Alice, so will probably pass.

  6. InvestedInYourFuture4 April 2013 at 09:54

    This gets more and more interesting.

  7. Someone said before: Down The Rabbit Hole. I like this title, or better: The Rabbit Hole. The name is alternative enough for this to work. OUaTiW is a mouthful.

  8. Genevieve Taylor4 April 2013 at 10:33

    There could very well be rights issues with just Wonderland as the title as there have been tv series and films with the title before, could be the same issue with Down The Rabbit Hole but not sure about that. Agree its a bit of a mouthful though

  9. Well the issue with simply titling it something with wonderland is that subsequent seasons would have random names.
    With this name each season can just be Once Upon A Time in....
    Only season 1 is supposed to be wonderland, later seasons will be other stories so makes sense to name it something like this.

  10. What the heck, this title is awful. There's fanfics out there with better titles, good lord. Like others have said, drop the once bit. In wonderland is fine.

  11. Isn't another channel making a Wonderland show? NBC or something? I read it but I forgot what channel it was. And they really should change the name... Again.

  12. I'm disliking the casting already. Spare us, Once.

  13. I would be surprised - and very disappointed - if she didn't. (Your English is fine, by the way.)

  14. Not familiar with Rigby's work, so I don't know whether this is good news or not. The title is better than "Once: Wonderland", but perhaps a bit overlong. I still think there's got to be a better name out there somewhere. As far the storyline is concerned, I like what we've heard so far.

  15. Yeah, NBC was going to do it. Not sure how well that's going to work out now.

  16. Yeah, I even semi liked "Once: Wonderland" because there was that connection to OUAT, but I'm also unsure about how successful this venture can be. Obviously there are so many worlds to be explored in the OUAT universe, but I don't think OUAT's audience is large enough to support a spin-off. I really want to see this succees, though.

  17. I think they might have just gone for a simple "Wonderland" were it not for the fact that NBC is developing a show by that name. Still, there has to be another option.

  18. I don't care about this. I was hoping we'd get Cora/Barbara so my interest picked up a little but without her... nope.

  19. I dont care what title is. I'm excited about this spin off. Being that this is pre-curse Wonderland there is a good chance of seeing Cora's raise to power and maybe even Jefferson and his real issue with Wonderland before Regina left him there.
    This look like it will be one of three Wonderland shows coming next season. NBC and CW is developing their own versions of Wonderland. I'm looking forward to checking out all of them.

  20. The producers already said they weren't re-casting the Mad Hatter,so either he won't be in the picture at all,or Sebastian Stan will be a recurring character or as a guest star....Then again it doesn't mean its written in stone,they can always change their minds..

  21. Bufff, this spin off seems really awful

  22. Ah! Good finally a reasonable title.

    Also thought I'd mention the weirdness and possibly awesomeness with another character yet to be cast A VICTORIAN Psychiatrist:

  23. I'm hoping it does bleed into Once a bit, because I think that's really what the fun of it would be!

  24. The name is actually borrowed from Tim Burton's adaptation, as it's pun/near anagram relating to the word "irascible".(easily provoked).

  25. The Red Queen and the Queen of Hearts are 2 different characters. Another idiot writing about things they know nothing about.

  26. Lover her! She would make me check it out

  27. from what i read this show will b part of the OUAT universe and once the series end that doesnt mean non of these new characters won't pop up on OUAT.

  28. The author didn't say they were the same. But did seem to think that certain character elements original to Tim Burton's Alice movie came from the novel.

  29. Wonder if they'll get to the point in the story where Cora shows up and takes her place?

  30. Ya, it seems that way, but I liked the earlier reports that said post-curse-sequel to AAIW/TTLGAWAFT with flahbacks better, because it would give a stronger chance for cross-overs. I just hope it will still build up to 'The Queen of Hearts' and still have connections to FTL's past, since it doesn't seem like it will be "current".

  31. Ya, But because they're borrowing the first name from Tim Burton's/Disney's adaptation, it could be like convergence of 3 sudo antagonists (Red, Hearts, The Dutchess) and given the timing of choosing Wonderland spinn-off, off the curtails of season 2, CONVERGENCE TRANSFORMATION is highlighted...The Once writers could put a spin on it with similar idea like that of the dark one, where maybe people become queens of Wonderland by stealing the former's essence?

    I think we don't have enough info yet, as every new report has something that changes the former report to know for sure. But the one thing that is sort of interesting is "The Knave of Hearts" character, because the alleged older version appears in "Hat Trick", so we may already have an immediate connection...

  32. Yes, obviously they're doing the composite thing, we were just complaining about the article author's ignorance.

    The Knave of Hearts might be a position. Also, the one in "Hat Trick" and "Queen of Hearts" wasn't named that onscreen, so they could technically ignore it. Or not.

  33. I wonder if there will be a benevolent White Queen as well. And if the name Irracebeth from Tim Burton's Alice will actually be used or was just a confusion by the article author.

  34. No, I understand that, but it's possible the author isn't ignorant, we are, since ONCE writers most likely won't follow L.C., or any adaptation of the works, exactly.

    I think looking at the actors and the time periods presented (The past of Wonderland, the past of The Land Without Magic) that it makes sense that this could be a younger version of the character (they actors look alike) and/or a family of "Knaves". I'll I'm saying is that I hope there is some kind of more direct connection, otherwise it defeats the purpose to have it set within the same cannon/universes.

  35. Rushmila Shenaz Reaz8 April 2013 at 21:46

    Wonderland would sound a lot better than Once Upon A Time In Wonderland; but still, excited

  36. The author said outright that those characteristics came from the book (and that the Red Queen was a playing card, when it's a chesspiece), and that's inaccurate.

  37. But is the author saying that because that's how the author remembered it, or is the author saying that because that is what her source told her (and she just didn't follow up on it?)

    It might be her source is ignorant and/or made a mistake. This might just be how the author made sense of what they said, because it appears like that they might be combining characters of many characters, rather than being true to all the separate identities

    Honestly, I think it's not that big of a deal this mistake was made(everybody has bad days), especially when we are in preliminary stages and haven't been given a formal announcement, official green light, or full synopsis/press release.

  38. I wasn't making it a big deal. It just irritates me when someone says something about a book and clearly hasn't read it. It wasn't about the show, which very well might use the name Irracebeth, unless the author was just going by what they remembered or heard about Tim Burton's Alice. It wasn't clear which.

  39. "It wasn't clear."
    That was my point.

    I understand your irritation, but even if someone did read the book, with SO many adaptations and overuse in pop culture, Depending on when in their lives they read it, it's understandable that they might get confused. (Even Wikipedia says people often confuse the queens)

  40. I guess. If you want to go out of your way to be understanding.

  41. Iracebeth?! really?! does no one have imagination now?


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