Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Revolution - Post Blackout Map of the U.S.

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Revolution - Post Blackout Map of the U.S.

17 Oct 2012

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I did not see this posted earlier so thought I would add it....
Here is a rather fun map from NBC's Revolution showing the territories of the various regional governments 15 years after the blackout. enjoy.

Source: InsideTV/ EW


  1. Oh. I'm in the Monroe Republic. I am not okay with this!

    This is pretty interesting, tbh. I love that Texas is still Texas. And why is everything next to California just a Wasteland?

  2. I chuckled at Texas still being Texas too! XD

  3. haha me too

  4. Looks like either way I still live in Texas! Hahahaha

  5. Lol - Me too!!!

    Gives a whole new meaning to:

    Don't Mess With Texas ! : D

  6. Lol - Me too !!!
    Gives a new meaning to:

    Don't Mess with Texas !!!!
    : D

  7. No water so no growing crops so no life sustainable.

  8. and the great canadian nation lives large above them all :D

  9. I wonder if the "Wasteland" is all teenagers... lol

  10. Apparently California stole Vancouver (and who can blame them).

  11. Yeah, but people lived in those places long before electricity and power and all that stuff.

  12. same here even after a blackout we are still awesome

  13. i live there and i think this would probabaly be true most of the people i know own guns or live by a gun store so i dont think it would be smart to mess with texas

  14. Nobody could be arsed bothering to conquer Texas. :P

  15. Could "Wasteland"" be a Dark Tower reference? (The Waste Lands?)!!!!!
    And I may have to think a little harder about Soul Train (Charlie the choo-choo anyone?)

  16. Ha! How dumb is that that I didn't even think about "where do I live" while looking at this map!?? (I'm in the Monroe Republic too!)

  17. You can still farm and make more primitive irrigation systems. The key though is being near water (rivers, reservoirs, and big lakes).

  18. Think about this there is no way of transporting water! There is rivers yes but they are dammed and water would be


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