Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Fringe - Season 3 DVD - 4 More Bonus Features

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Fringe - Season 3 DVD - 4 More Bonus Features

7 Sept 2011

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Thanks to Fringewatch and Elialys


  1. Thank you. They are all really interesting. I love especially the second and third ones.

  2. Love them thanks very much

  3. Man, I could sit here all day and watch these videos. I wish they would do a special about what it takes to make this show too. Some really cool stuff. Didn't realize some of the elements of the show that are VFX such as 'the machine.' Would have thought that was built in-studio, it looks so real.

  4. I know I have a twin.  Her name is Debbie and one of her boyfriends started a fight w/my husband because he thought Debbie was cheating on him.  Insane but I feel we all have a twin somewhere!  

  5. Totallyaddicted0058 September 2011 at 01:37

    "The more far out you get, the more human it gets." COOL, good pt. I like it.

  6. Can anyone tell me what the packaging is like? Is there a booklet? And is the inside cover the same as the outside cover or does it have, say, the alternates instead? Usually the inside cover is different or slightly different.

  7. What i would give to watch the seasons again and feel the same surpise and awesomeness i felt the first time i seen it..

  8. I guess I never realized how much sound has to be added to a TV-show or movie, and how important that is. Of course, when you show these insects crawling on the floor, they have to make some kind of sound. I just never saw these (images and sound) as two individual things.

  9. Hah! Lance Reddick's reaction to seeing the dead Broyles dummy is priceless. 

    And Josh! "I told youuuuu!"

    Flawless cast is flawless.

  10. Thanks, Fringe season 3 is not out where I live for while. These are great, really make you want to go re-watch season 3. 

  11. There is a booklet, not as elaborated as the other two or maybe I should call it more a pamphlet. The inside cover is the same as on the outside with our side's characters but not with the alternate's and it has a blimp on it. There are more buildings on the outside one. The discs itself look really cool too. Not sure if I'm making sense :)

  12. I'm not really complaining, I guess I'm a little disappointed. Those are good. But it's not enough. The 2 1/2 hrs listed includes the 2 commentaries I think and the half hr or of those bonus features. 
    And there are no deleted scenes at all :( 
    I didn't care for the previews that much, granted it's Entrada and Marionette but I'd rather have seen deleted scenes. Oh well, guess I can't have everything. 

  13. one olivia has photographic memory and the other doesn't. how can that be if both of them are genetically identical and that the only difference between them stems from choices they have made (one of the creators said this in the last clip).

  14. Our Olivia also went through cortexiphan treatment when she was a child and therefore has special abilities.

  15. ok, but what about astrid. She was not put through any cortexiphan treatment and yet they are both different genetically.

  16. frinde all seasons  watch online

  17. The creators did say in the last clip that they chose to go with one genetic difference just for Astrid's alternate character. I gues in her case we should take into account that some kind of gene mutation happened.

  18. yeah, they said that. But what I am saying is that it's inconsistent with what they have done with the rest of the universe. I'm not looking to find mistakes or anything, it's just that, I don't know why they would deviate from the rules they have set for one character, that's all. I'm sure there could have been other ways to give a compelling twist to the character to make it different from the one we know from our world without having to be inconsistent with the rest of the world.


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