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Bones - Episode 7.04 - The Male in the Mail - Spoiler Snippets

13 Aug 2011

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Thanks to our contact MysteryWriter for sending us these snippets.

Episode Title: “The Male in the Mail”
Victim: Male/ found at a post office warehouse / worked at a shipping store
Squintern: Clark
Agent Genny Shaw is back
Booth & Brennan – HOUSE HUNTING

Source: MysteryWriter@SpoilerTV


  1. 4 episodes and they are kid-readying and house-hunting.  Guess after 6 years they are tired of waiting.

  2. dont like this new family aspect between booth and brenan, it could break the could become more soapy and less bones like.. i know shows need to evolve to stay fresh, but i dunno wat i think about this comming season... aint that excited to be honest..:(    

  3. oo house hunting that will be interesting...

  4. Have you skipped over like EVERY interview?

  5. Thanks sound interesting

  6. what? XDDD okay... 

  7. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE They're house hunting!

  8. Syd TheSquid Malfoy13 August 2011 at 16:32

    well she is going to be heavily pregnant at that point, probably around 7-8 months by episode 4

  9. Genny Shaw and house hunting - both good things.  Although, when I read "Male in the Mail" I was hoping a body would be found stuffed into a mail box.

  10. Yaaaay. Cute. I bet they're not even going to find one or not even move in, ah, the television pessimist in me. Sorry. But this should be good to see. 

  11. But at least they're admitting their situation and working on their couple-ness and not just going with titles like "baby momma" and "sperm donor" or "co-parent". 

  12. Your version would have been more interesting.  I confess that is what I was thinking when I heard the title too.

  13. Yeah... people misuse the word "soap" all the time. Angsty will-they/won't they relationship stuff is infinitely more "soap like" than anything post hook-up, because on soaps, the build-up and climax is what's interesting.

  14. Same here, my second thought was the Jeffersonian actually receiving the body by post.

  15. Not sure I like this - If it's well done then it'll be good but if not...

  16. Oooo, that is a good one too.  Perhaps fans out to be in the writers room pitching ideas.

  17. Why do I get the sense that this is one gigantic tease? Just like last season with House--a tease and then a break-up. I can't get very excited about this.

  18. Really looking forward to season 7. Shame there won't be many episodes though.

  19. Who's "Agent Genny Shaw"?


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