Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon USD POLL : Which upcoming entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are you most excited for?

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USD POLL : Which upcoming entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are you most excited for?

5 Sept 2014

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Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by Alex Forrest who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below).

Let us know in the comments what you voted for and why?
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You can vote for 2 Options.

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  1. Avengers: Age of Ultron and Agent Carter, mostly because I'm really looking forward to seeing the show, how it's going to look, what the characters are like, and the rest of the casting announcements.

  2. Age of Ultron, as much as I adore the solo films I love seeing all of them together especially as my favourite character is Bruce and we haven't seen him properly since the first movie (apart from the awesome IM3 cameo)

    Also voted for Agent Carter just because Peggy is one of my favourites as well.

    Frankly though I'm excited for all the MCU projects listed, and the Netflix series AND any future projects currently unnamed. I just love the MCU.

  3. At the moment, it's Ultron. But Guardians was so much fun that I almost picked its sequel.

  4. Avengers 2 and Guardians 2 for me. Although I think that I'm most excited for Avengers as it's closer.

  5. Umm, none? I don't know what other people see in it.

  6. I'd love to vote for "all of the above" :D But otherwise, Avengers : Age of Ultron and Guardians of the Galaxy 2 !

  7. Age of Ultron and CA3. I'm still watching Winter Soldier.

  8. SHIELD (Season 2), Avengers 2, Cap 3 and GOTG 2. (Sorry couldn't choose one, too many good stuff coming up).

    Also curious and intrigued about Ant Man.

  9. All of them, but since you said 2:

    1. Doctor Strange
    2. The Defenders

  10. Avengers 2 and Agents of SHIELD S2 ! Can't wait for Agent Carter too.

  11. Avengers 2 for sure!

  12. Avengers 2 and Guardians of the Galaxy 2 because of these reasons: The Avengers movie was really awesome and I'm really excited for Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen being Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

    Chris Pratt is my new hero. I didn't like him so much in Everwood and The O.C. but I'm now sold on his new attitude that came along with his new body.

  13. Agents of SHIELD, Avengers, Captain America! So excited.. :D

  14. Also, X-Men: Apocalypse ! Can't wait !

  15. Captain America 3 and Agent Carter.

  16. Guardians of the Galaxy 2, and the inevitable ultimate crossover spectacle that will be the Infinity Gauntlet movie whenever that gets made. For a third option I'm torn between Agent Carter and the inevitable Black Widow movie whenever that gets made. Can't vote for Agents Of Shield as I haven't seen the first season yet - because I'm out of range of Channel 7's digital signal (the analog signal used to come through fine, and viewing on their website is the worst of all such viewing), and the DVD set hasn't been released here yet.

  17. Agent Carter and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Captain Marvel or Black Panther for the unannounced titles.

  18. The X-Men films (like the Spider-Man and Fantastic Four ones) aren't part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, despite being based on Marvel Comics. This is because Marvel sold the rights to all of those franchises (Spider-Man to Sony, X-Men and FF to Fox) many years ago, when they were about to go bankrupt. So The Avengers, Captain America, Guardians of the Galaxy, etc. don't share continuity with those films, and Marvel can't use Spidey or the X-Men.

  19. Avengers:Age of Ultron but a close second would be the Jessica Jones TV series on Netflix. The Alias graphic novel was one of the most original and refreshing books I've read in ages.

  20. I am looking forward to AOS next season. I am wondering how Agent Carter will fit in. These are the most immediate ones. Long term I want to see the Avengers Age of Ultron then Guardians of the Galaxy 2

  21. Age of Ultron at the moment with Guardians 2 and Agents of Shield not far behind

  22. can't wait for: TA 2, CA 3, AoS S2, AC S1 and GoTG 2 :D

  23. Age of Ultron doesn't need my vote,so I'm leaving it out.
    Captain America 3,for sure!The story line with Steve and Bucky is my favorite thing in the MCU right now.
    Also,Agent Carter.Love both the character and Hayley Atwell.Can't wait for it!

  24. Agents of SHIELD, Avengers: Age of Ultron, and Agent Carter.

  25. Avengers2 and Cap.America 3

  26. Agent Carter as it's a new storyling to explore and A: AoU as it's the next movie up and I'm really curious as I've read the awesome comic book story, I'm really curious to see how the movie will portray that story, and then AoS as it's first up for viewing.....

  27. Where's Daredevil isn't that suppose to be released in May?

  28. everyoneissleeping5 September 2014 at 22:36

    The X-men movies don't even share continuity with each other... ;-) But seriously, thanks for the info. I didn't know about that and so I was wondering about Apocalypse not being featured as well.

  29. everyoneissleeping5 September 2014 at 22:40

    Only Agents of SHIELD. I'm not really big on watching movies in general.

  30. Ehm. All of the above?

  31. From the list Agent Carter and A:AoU

    I'm still holding out for a Black Widow solo movie or a Hawkeye/Black Widow combo film. And of course Black Panther.

  32. LOL! True, that.

  33. I too hope BW gets a solo film, possibly with Hawkeye as her sidekick (like she was to Cap in CA: TWS). It's about time a superheroine got her own movie instead of being a supporting player or love interest. Plus, given the popularity of BW (and Scarlett) and the fact that a film about her wouldn't require a huge budget (it's likely to be more of a spy thriller than a full-on superhero extravaganza), I think it would do well. She certainly has an interesting enough backstory for a solo film.

  34. All of the above..... :-D

  35. I forgot to include the Marvel series which are coming out on Netflix - Daredevil, Iron Fist, AKA Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and eventually the Defenders miniseries. My bad.


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